Weekend Reading: ConcussionInc.net’s Coverage of the USA Swimming Sex Abuse Scandal

Three-Continent Flight From Justice of Simon ‘Danny’ Chocron — Pedophile Coach for the Bolles School Sharks
September 7, 2012
Indominable George Visger, With a Shunt in His Brain, Still Smarter Than Most of the Rest of Us on NFL’s $30 Million Grant to NIH
September 8, 2012
Three-Continent Flight From Justice of Simon ‘Danny’ Chocron — Pedophile Coach for the Bolles School Sharks
September 7, 2012
Indominable George Visger, With a Shunt in His Brain, Still Smarter Than Most of the Rest of Us on NFL’s $30 Million Grant to NIH
September 8, 2012

‘Whatever Happened to the USA Swimming Youth Coach Sex Abuse Scandal?’ (full text)

Published March 30th, 2012

Remember Sarah Burt

Published August 4th, 2012

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick