Alex Pussieldi’s USA Swimming File: “Swimmer informed coach [REDACTED] about hidden camera and videotape”

Honored Coach Alex Pussieldi and the USA Swimming Sex Abuse Cover-Up: Complete Links
February 12, 2014
Hall of Fame Swim Coach Jack Nelson — Accused Molester of Diana Nyad — Covered Up for Protégé Alex Pussieldi’s Secret Videotaping of Boys Before Retiring Himself in 2004
February 12, 2014
Honored Coach Alex Pussieldi and the USA Swimming Sex Abuse Cover-Up: Complete Links
February 12, 2014
Hall of Fame Swim Coach Jack Nelson — Accused Molester of Diana Nyad — Covered Up for Protégé Alex Pussieldi’s Secret Videotaping of Boys Before Retiring Himself in 2004
February 12, 2014



[REDACTED] was asked if anyone in a position of authority ever questioned him about the videotape or the hidden camera. [REDACTED] reported that in 2002 or 2003 he informed coach [REDACTED] about the hidden camera and video tape they discovered in[REDACTED] VCR. [REDACTED] said that [REDACTED] told him not to tell anyone because it could ruin the [REDACTED] Swim Club’s reputation. [REDACTED] reported that [REDACTED] made the off hand remark that he couldn’t believe that someone else was having problems with Coach [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] stated that [REDACTED] confided in him that he was aware that[REDACTED] had previously had similar problems with [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] said that he asked [REDACTED] what he meant and [REDACTED] told him that [REDACTED] had personal problems and an unusual infatuation and physical attraction to [REDACTED]. However, [REDACTED] was aware of his personal problem and was receiving professional help from a psychiatrist.[…]


EXCLUSIVE: Florida Coach Stayed on Pool Deck Nine Years After USA Swimming Investigation of Battery Complaint Against Him Also Revealed Secret Videotapes of Boys Living With Him


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