Alex Pussieldi’s USA Swimming File: “Swimmer resided with [REDACTED] but moved due to [REDACTED’S] inappropriate behavior”

See It Now – Heavily Redacted Transcript of Allegations of Secret Bathroom Videotaping By Never-Disciplined Top USA Swimming Coach Alex Pussieldi
February 11, 2014
Alex Pussieldi’s USA Swimming File: “Swimmer asked if [REDACTED] videotaped him without knowledge or approval. He said yes.”
February 11, 2014
See It Now – Heavily Redacted Transcript of Allegations of Secret Bathroom Videotaping By Never-Disciplined Top USA Swimming Coach Alex Pussieldi
February 11, 2014
Alex Pussieldi’s USA Swimming File: “Swimmer asked if [REDACTED] videotaped him without knowledge or approval. He said yes.”
February 11, 2014



[REDACTED] was asked where he resided in [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] reported that [REDACTED] had informed [REDACTED] of the opportunity to rent a room in the home of Assistant Coach [REDACTED]. Consequently, [REDACTED] arrived in [REDACTED] and moved into [REDACTED] residence. [REDACTED] was asked how his room and board were paid and [REDACTED] reported that his parents paid his room and board expenses from Mexico. When asked, [REDACTED] reported that other swimmers also resided with [REDACTED] in [REDACTED] home. [REDACTED] identified [REDACTED] [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] all from Brazil. When asked, [REDACTED] reported that [REDACTED] is currently enrolled at the [REDACTED] in [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] has returned to Brazil.

[REDACTED] reported that he resided in [REDACTED] until 2002 when he moved from [REDACTED] residence and rented an apartment. [REDACTED] added that he moved due to [REDACTED] inappropriate behavior […]


EXCLUSIVE: Florida Coach Stayed on Pool Deck Nine Years After USA Swimming Investigation of Battery Complaint Against Him Also Revealed Secret Videotapes of Boys Living With Him


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