See It Now – Heavily Redacted Transcript of Allegations of Secret Bathroom Videotaping By Never-Disciplined Top USA Swimming Coach Alex Pussieldi

Alex Pussieldi, Swim Coach Accused of Secretly Videotaping Boys Living With Him, Is a Well-Connected Figure in the Sport
February 10, 2014
Alex Pussieldi’s USA Swimming File: “Swimmer resided with [REDACTED] but moved due to [REDACTED’S] inappropriate behavior”
February 11, 2014
Alex Pussieldi, Swim Coach Accused of Secretly Videotaping Boys Living With Him, Is a Well-Connected Figure in the Sport
February 10, 2014
Alex Pussieldi’s USA Swimming File: “Swimmer resided with [REDACTED] but moved due to [REDACTED’S] inappropriate behavior”
February 11, 2014

by Irvin Muchnick and Tim Joyce



EXCLUSIVE: Florida Coach Stayed on Pool Deck Nine Years After USA Swimming Investigation of Battery Complaint Against Him Also Revealed Secret Videotapes of Boys Living With Him


Alex Pussieldi, Swim Coach Accused of Secretly Videotaping Boys Living With Him, Is a Well-Connected Figure in the Sport

Concussion Inc. pieced together the Alex Pussieldi story from an obscure document in discovery in a civil lawsuit against USA Swimming involving another coach.

We have uploaded the relevant pages to

As you can see, the pages are heavily redacted. We were able to determine that this was about Pussieldi after also studying the deposition transcript of the USA Swimming investigator, who identified Pussieldi by his initials, “AP.” We then located these 2004 stories in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel about Pussieldi’s alleged attack on his swimmer, and subsequent resignation from the Fort Lauderdale Swim Team:

“Swim Team To Investigate Altercation,” February 17, 2004,

“Pussieldi Resigns As Coach Of Swim Team,” February 20, 2004,

More shortly.


Complete links to Concussion Inc.’s Pussieldi coverage, which began February 7, are at

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick