Alex Pussieldi’s USA Swimming File: “Swimmer asked if [REDACTED] videotaped him without knowledge or approval. He said yes.”

Alex Pussieldi’s USA Swimming File: “Swimmer resided with [REDACTED] but moved due to [REDACTED’S] inappropriate behavior”
February 11, 2014
Alex Pussieldi’s USA Swimming File: “Swimmers observed a tape in a VCR located in [REDACTED’S] bedroom”
February 12, 2014
Alex Pussieldi’s USA Swimming File: “Swimmer resided with [REDACTED] but moved due to [REDACTED’S] inappropriate behavior”
February 11, 2014
Alex Pussieldi’s USA Swimming File: “Swimmers observed a tape in a VCR located in [REDACTED’S] bedroom”
February 12, 2014



[REDACTED] was asked if [REDACTED] ever video taped he or other swimmers without their knowledge or approval and [REDACTED] said yes. [REDACTED] added that the video tape incident is what caused his falling out with [REDACTED] and why he moved out of [REDACTED] residence and refused to take coaching direction from him. When asked to explain, [REDACTED] reported that one night in November or December 2001 he was living in [REDACTED] residence when he got up to use the bathroom. [REDACTED] reported that as he entered the bathroom,[REDACTED] was in the bathroom which was to be used exclusively by [REDACTED] and the other swimmers who resided in [REDACTED] residence. According to [REDACTED], [REDACTED] had his own private bathroom. [REDACTED] reported that he observed [REDACTED] holding a drill and it was obvious that he was performing some work in the bathroom. [REDACTED] reported that [REDACTED] quickly exited the bathroom and shortly thereafter, [REDACTED] observed a hidden camera in a heating vent located in the bathroom.[…]


EXCLUSIVE: Florida Coach Stayed on Pool Deck Nine Years After USA Swimming Investigation of Battery Complaint Against Him Also Revealed Secret Videotapes of Boys Living With Him


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