USA Swimming, Hustling to Keep Up With the Sex-Abuse Posse, Bans Dustin Perry, the Poor Man’s Alex Pussieldi

We Told You What They Were Going to Tell You, We Told You, And We Told You What They Told You
November 12, 2014
“Are we just interested in castrating all the men around here?” – USA Swimming Vice President David Berkoff’s Shockingly Tasteless Comment
November 15, 2014
We Told You What They Were Going to Tell You, We Told You, And We Told You What They Told You
November 12, 2014
“Are we just interested in castrating all the men around here?” – USA Swimming Vice President David Berkoff’s Shockingly Tasteless Comment
November 15, 2014

by Irvin Muchnick

Tim Joyce and I wanted to give Rachel Sturtz’s excellent article in the December issue of Outside magazine a day or two to breathe before plunging in with background and supplements from our own years of coverage of USA Swimming sexual abuse and cover-up.

We’ll start soon with another review of the history of the disgraceful handling of the Strzempko family’s complaint against Massachusetts coach Randy Smith. Next Monday, after another one of its patented day-late-and-dollar-short hearings, USA Swimming’s National Board of Review is poised to ban Smith. His abuse of Anna Strzempko drives the Outside story, and there won’t be tape measures long enough for the noses of swimming boss Chuck Wielgus and “safe sport” director Susan Woessner when they try to co-opt this anecdote and claim credit for getting rid of another bad guy.

Meanwhile, USA Swimming yesterday announced the lifetime ban of Dustin Perry. It’s yet another attempt to make a virtue out of a necessity. Concussion Inc. blew Perry out of the water in a series of exclusive reports earlier this year. We call Perry “the poor man’s Alex Pussieldi” because, like Pussieldi, he had the grand vision of not only engaging in sexual and other abuse of his athletes, but also importing Mexican boys with college scholarship and Olympic aspirations. Perry, however, lacked Pussieldi’s arguable personal charms and inarguable business smarts.

Below are complete chronological links of Muchnick & Joyce on Perry.

EXCLUSIVE: USA Swimming Allows Coach Under Investigation – With a Five-State Trail And Previous Suspension For Sexual Abuse – to Move to New Team

Published January 20th, 2014

ASCA Hall of Famer Jack Simon Employed Suspended Coach Dustin Perry in Mexico. So Who Protects Youth Athletes? USA Swimming? ASCA? Neither?

Published January 21st, 2014

Is Recidivist Abusive Coach Dustin Perry Still on the Pool Deck in Carson City? USA Swimming Club’s Board Reportedly Meeting Thursday Night

Published January 22nd, 2014

Dustin Perry – Once-Suspended USA Swimming Coach Facing Abuse Allegations in Idaho – Has a History of Boys Living With Him

Published January 23rd, 2014

Mexican Swimmer Confirms USA Swimming Talked to Him in Investigation of Coach Dustin Perry’s Controversial History

Published January 28th, 2014

YMCA Aspect of Dustin Perry USA Swimming Abuse Scandals

Published January 30th, 2014

Dustin Perry Trail: Illinois Swim Club Acknowledges His Presence in 2005-06, Proclaims ‘Clear Background Check,’ Otherwise Joins National Info Blackout

Published February 4th, 2014

Your Local YMCA: USA Swimming’s Partner in Keeping Coach Dustin Perry in Harm’s Way of Kids

Published February 6th, 2014

USA Swimming’s Alex Pussieldi and Dustin Perry Post-2010 Cover-Ups Expose ‘Safe Sport’ Program As a Fraud

Published February 16th, 2014

BULLETIN: Recidivist Abuser Dustin Perry Is Out at Carson City Tigersharks – New Local Info Is From ‘Background Check,’ Not From USA Swimming

Published February 23rd, 2014

Abusive Coach Dustin Perry’s Name Pulled From Carson Tigersharks Website

Published February 23rd, 2014

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick