Is Recidivist Abusive Coach Dustin Perry Still on the Pool Deck in Carson City? USA Swimming Club’s Board Reportedly Meeting Thursday Night

ASCA Hall of Famer Jack Simon Employed Suspended Coach Dustin Perry in Mexico. So Who Protects Youth Athletes? USA Swimming? ASCA? Neither?
January 21, 2014
Dustin Perry — Once-Suspended USA Swimming Coach Facing Abuse Allegations in Idaho — Has a History of Boys Living With Him
January 23, 2014
ASCA Hall of Famer Jack Simon Employed Suspended Coach Dustin Perry in Mexico. So Who Protects Youth Athletes? USA Swimming? ASCA? Neither?
January 21, 2014
Dustin Perry — Once-Suspended USA Swimming Coach Facing Abuse Allegations in Idaho — Has a History of Boys Living With Him
January 23, 2014

by Irvin Muchnick and Tim Joyce



EXCLUSIVE: USA Swimming Allows Coach Under Investigation – With a Five-State Trail And Previous Suspension For Sexual Abuse – to Move to New Team


Dustin Perry – Whose USA Swimming Investigation Lags While He Takes Yet Another New Coaching Job – Ran Dryland Workouts in Idaho Out of a Mysterious Space Called the ‘Tiger Den’


ASCA Hall of Famer Jack Simon Employed Suspended Coach Dustin Perry in Mexico. So Who Protects Youth Athletes? USA Swimming? ASCA? Neither?


Concussion Inc.’s reports on Dustin Perry raise long-term questions for government investigators and one immediate one for the swimmers, families, and citizens of Carson City, Nevada:

Is Perry still on the pool deck at the municipal aquatic center, as head coach, supervising the practices of the Tiger Sharks USA Swimming Club?

The history we are uncovering shows not just that Perry was suspended for sexual misconduct on a previous coaching stop, in Oklahoma, for which he served an 18-month suspension. It also shows that Perry was hired for his newest job in Carson City at the same USA Swimming is slow-walking an investigation of parallel allegations against him at his most recent job, with a club in Pocatello, Idaho.

Perry has not responded to our email asking if he’s still employed in Carson City. Earlier, he wrote to Tim Joyce that he was “bitter” about the sanction from the Oklahoma experience. His expressed bitterness is at odds with the information from swimming sources that his reinstatement by USA Swimming in 2004 was based, in part, on his telling top executives that he was sorry for what he did there.

According to community sources, the board of directors of Tiger Sharks has scheduled a Thursday evening meeting, for which Perry’s status must lead the agenda. The club’s administrative coach, Becki Boehnke, has not responded to multiple email and voicemail requests for comment. Neither have board president Ann Nelson and vice president Michelle Van Geel.

Concussion Inc. also submitted to the Carson City Parks and Recreation Department a public records request for the facilities rental agreement between the team and the aquatic center. Department director Roger Moellendorf has not responded to a fax and a voicemail.

Next: More details on Dustin Perry’s history.

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick