USA Swimming Board Meets. Where’s the Vieth Report — It Is No More in Evidence Than Abusive Coach Dustin Perry’s Lifetime Ban

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USA Swimming Gets Set to Release the ‘Independent Review’ That CEO Wielgus and President Stratton Were Afraid to Give Their Own Board This Weekend
January 26, 2014

by Irvin Muchnick and Tim Joyce


As we’ve reported, the USA Swimming board of directors met yesterday in Colorado Springs. But Victor Vieth, the child-protection expert who was hired last summer to write an “independent review” of the “Safe Sport” program, did not present the document. Where is it?

Later today, we’ll have more on the dog-and-pony-show release of the Vieth report, which sources say is imminent — though, evidently, too sensitive to entrust to the organization’s full leadership this weekend.

Meanwhile, you are invited to read our Dustin Perry series, links below. Perry is still being allowed to coach at his latest stop, Carson City, Nevada. A secret USA Swimming investigation of the latest abuse allegations against him, in Pocatello, Idaho, approaches the one-year mark. A decade ago, Perry served an 18-month USA Swimming “suspension,” in whole or in part, working in Mexico for American Swimming Coaches Association Hall of Famer Jack Simon. And Perry’s history shows multiple examples of his housing underage boys, both foreigners and Americans.

EXCLUSIVE: USA Swimming Allows Coach Under Investigation – With a Five-State Trail And Previous Suspension For Sexual Abuse – to Move to New Team


Dustin Perry – Whose USA Swimming Investigation Lags While He Takes Yet Another New Coaching Job – Ran Dryland Workouts in Idaho Out of a Mysterious Space Called the ‘Tiger Den’


ASCA Hall of Famer Jack Simon Employed Suspended Coach Dustin Perry in Mexico. So Who Protects Youth Athletes? USA Swimming? ASCA? Neither?


Is Recidivist Abusive Coach Dustin Perry Still on the Pool Deck in Carson City? USA Swimming Club’s Board Reportedly Meeting Thursday Night


Dustin Perry – Once-Suspended USA Swimming Coach Facing Abuse Allegations in Idaho – Has a History of Boys Living With Him


What the Vieth Report Won’t Talk About: Why Youth-Damaging Coaches Like Dustin Perry Remain on the Pool Decks of USA Swimming

1 Comment

  1. SCAQ Tony says:

    Victor Vieth did not show it to the board and the board accepted that as ok?

    Either it isn’t completed or Vieth must to have been told by the executive director not to show it which means Vieth may have actually produced an honest report thereby damning the executive leadership.

    What if the report never comes out? What if the board never sees it? I bet a Bitcoin the board would be okay with that and look the other way. (I am looking at you Board Member Berkoff)

Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick