Alex Pussieldi Accuser to USA Swimming: Where’s the ‘Warning Letter’? And Are You Kidding Me?

Weekend Reading For Congressional Investigators: USA Swimming Determined ‘To Right That Wrong’ on Alex Pussieldi — But Claims It Doesn’t Know There Was a Complaint
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Weekend Reading For Congressional Investigators: USA Swimming Determined ‘To Right That Wrong’ on Alex Pussieldi — But Claims It Doesn’t Know There Was a Complaint
May 16, 2014
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Last week Concussion Inc. reported that USA Swimming safe sport director Susan Woessner was claiming that Florida swimming parents J.P. and Carolyn Côté never complained about Alex Pussieldi’s retaliation against them for reporting to local police and to Woessner that they saw Pussieldi inappropriately touching a young boy on the deck at a meet in Plantation in November 2012. At the same time, Woessner acknowledged receiving the couple’s information last year that Pussieldi’s lawyer sent them a threatening letter, and the family was stalked by a private investigator.)

Below, with the Côtés’ permission, is the full text of the email they sent to Woessner this morning.


Susan Woessner,

We are still awaiting your response to our request for a copy of the warning letter that you say you sent to Alex Pussieldi.

Meanwhile, we remain in a state of dis-believe regarding the most recent correspondence we received from your office dated 9 May 2014. We cannot understand how there can be such a gross disconnect in the information presented to your office and what you are writing. Let us attempt to clarify/explain to you why you have the documents you refer to.

The documents are with your office because we sent them to you. We did that because your office mate Liz asked us to do so. Liz made the request because we contacted her regarding a retaliation complaint we had. We were retaliated against because of an earlier complaint we made regarding a coach inappropriately touching children. The initial complaint was never investigated because you can’t do your job. We pointed that out to you in this e-mail:

Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 8:05 PM
To: Elizabeth Hoendervoogt
Subject: Re: USA Swimming

Dear Madam,

We wanted to respond to your messageto letyou to know how incrediblyirate we are for a number of reasons.You state thatsafety is of paramount importance in USA swimming; all we hear isyou giving us the politically correct thing to say, you are simply paying us lip service.We don’t care that our concerns are documented; again this only sounds like you’re brushing a very serious matter under a rug somewhere.It is known that this piece of shit man has engaged in inappropriate behavior/sexual misconduct for 1.5 decades already and he is still able to maintain his coach’s license and remains around children under the umbrella of USA swimming, are you kidding me??? Do you really think a warning letter to Mr. Pussieldi does anythingto deter his illegal and despicable conduct of molesting the young boys that are entrusted to him during practices and meets. Actually if young boys are not speaking up, this further strengthens the confidence that Mr. Pussieldi has that he is above the law and untouchable. This sounds very much like a repeat of the Sandusky case at Penn State. Youproudly state that our family’s names were not disclosedin the letter you sent to Mr. Pussieldi. We never requested that our names be withheld andwe want you to know that we are not afraid of this sex offender,we fear nothing.

We take pride in knowing that we follow rules, regulations and policies and when they are brokenby others we don’tstay silent like mostpeople would.Our only motivation is toprotect young swimmers from any and all predators.We are greatly disappointed that USA swimminghas not stopped this predator.

Carolyn Cote & Jean-Pierre Côté

In closing, Pussieldi abuses children because he is a sick, perverted psychosexual deviant with violent tendencies. He retains his coaching credentials because you cannot take a stand for those who are not able to fight for themselves.

I hope this letter helps you understand why you received correspondence in March 2013 and also helps you “link” things together.

Most disgusted,

Carolyn Cote & Jean-Pierre Côté






EXCLUSIVE: USA Swimming’s Safe Sport Director and Assistant Failed to Act on 2012-13 Complaints About Abusive Coach Alex Pussieldi From a Florida Parent Volunteer

Published February 28th, 2014

USA Swimming Safe Sport Director Susan Woessner: ‘We Are Committed to Trying to Right That Wrong’ With Alex Pussieldi

Published March 4th, 2014

Alex Pussieldi’s 2012 Incident a Case Study of How USA Swimming and Local Police Work Together to Do As Little As Possible on Sex Abuse Complaints

Published March 12th, 2014


Published March 20th, 2014

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick