USA Swimming Safe Sport Director Susan Woessner: ‘We Are Committed to Trying to Right That Wrong’ With Alex Pussieldi

Search for Fort Lauderdale City Documents Widens Net of Accountability for Abusive USA Swimming Coach Alex Pussieldi
March 4, 2014
See the Police Report on the Alex Pussieldi Incident in Plantation, Florida, in 2012
March 5, 2014
Search for Fort Lauderdale City Documents Widens Net of Accountability for Abusive USA Swimming Coach Alex Pussieldi
March 4, 2014
See the Police Report on the Alex Pussieldi Incident in Plantation, Florida, in 2012
March 5, 2014

by Irvin Muchnick and Tim Joyce


Below is an email sent on February 19 by Susan Woessner, USA Swimming’s director of safe sport. We have removed the name of the recipient.

Now that Woessner is on record as “committed to trying to right” the Alex Pussieldi wrong, perhaps she can respond to Concussion Inc.’s question about how she and her assistant Liz Hoendervoogtfumbled/blew off an eyewitness complaint regarding Pussieldi’s behavior, by Florida parent J.P. Cote, just last year.


From:Susan Woessner
Sent:Wednesday, February 19, 2014 3:55 PM
Subject:Re: USA Swimming Inquiry

Hi xxxxx,

Yes, Nancy Fisher is with USA Swimming, not a reporter. I understand your frustration and I can only offer frustration myself when I review the file and wonder why more was not done then. I can tell you that we are committed to trying to right that wrong now.

I am sitting on a plane taking off shortly – can I call you this afternoon when I land?

Thanks, xxxxx.


Sent from my iPhone


Complete links to Concussion Inc.’s Pussieldi investigation are at

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick