Mark Schubert — Who Falsely DENIED Hiring a Private Investigator to Follow Sean Hutchison — Now ASSERTS He Hired P.I. to Track Rapist Rick Curl

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May 24, 2013

See how they run. With Rick Curl’s statutory rape victim, Kelley Davies Currin, calling out top USA Swimming officials, including her former University of Texas coach, Mark Schubert, yesterday following Curl’s sentencing to seven years in prison, Schubert has come up with a doozy of an explanation to Scott Reid of the Orange County Register.

The full story is behind the Register paywall online, but here are the essentials.

Schubert traces his silence on Curl to a claim that Currin’s family “made me promise” not to tell because of their $150,000 hush-money agreement with Curl. That is standard coward’s ass-covering.

But the kicker is uniquely, Nixonianly Schubert:

Schubert also said he hired a private investigator in 2003 to try to determine if Curl was continuing to sexually abuse young swimmers but found no evidence of misconduct. He also said when Curl was elected as president of the American Swimming Coaches Association in the mid-2000s, Schubert and Richard Quick, another longtime U.S. Olympic coach, took steps behind the scenes to ensure Curl was not allowed to take office.

“Richard Quick and I went to (ASCA executive director) John Leonard and said ‘This shall not happen’ and we told him why,” Schubert said.


There are multiple discrepancies in this line of defense. First, Schubert lied to the media about having hired a private investigator in 2010 to track the sexual relationship of a rival coach, Sean Hutchison, with one of his swimmers; the truth came out in the discovery of the wrongful-termination lawsuit against him by his former assistant (and major USA Swimming philanthropist) Dia Rianda. See “Read It Now – Olympic Coach Mark Schubert’s Private Eye’s Report on the Cohabitation of Rival Coach Sean Hutchison And His Swimmer,” May 14,

Now Schubert is volunteering the information that he hired a P.I. to snoop on Curl. For totally beneficent purposes, of course. This guy is sure into gumshoes.

As for the claim that Schubert blocked Curl’s ascension to the presidency of the American Swimming Coaches Association, we’re checking into it. Even if true, all it would do is confirm that there was widespread knowledge that Curl was a rapist, yet continued to enjoy credentialed contact with young athletes … all the way up to and including the 2012 Olympic Trials in Omaha. (Where, by the way, USA Swimming’s PR person, Karen Linhart, threatened to have me thrown out of the building for approaching her with a question about the sex abuse issue.)

Irv Muchnick

1 Comment

  1. SCAQ Tony says:

    Ye Godz!

    His logic astonishes me. His “promissory obligation” to a parent actually trumped protecting not only Kelly Currin but other kids from this monster?

    The most obvious way to have prevented Rich Curl from controlling ASCA or other other aspect of swimming and the child who swim would have been to go to the police.

Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick