Read It Now — Olympic Coach Mark Schubert’s Private Eye’s Report on the Cohabitation of Rival Coach Sean Hutchison And His Swimmer

Our Work to Expose the Criminals of USA Swimming Continues
May 14, 2013
JOYCE: North Baltimore Aquatic Club … Back to Where This All Started
May 15, 2013
Our Work to Expose the Criminals of USA Swimming Continues
May 14, 2013
JOYCE: North Baltimore Aquatic Club … Back to Where This All Started
May 15, 2013

by Tim Joyce and Irvin Muchnick

New discovery in swimming coach-philanthropist Dia Rianda’s wrongful termination lawsuit against Mark Schubert and the Golden West Swim Club has all the explicits of the surveillance of the intimate relationship between Sean Hutchison, the former coach at FAST in Fullerton, California, a U.S. Olympic “professional and post-graduate center,” and one of his swimmers, whom we’re not naming here.

The document, which was produced under subpoena by Horseman Investigations of Huntington Beach, where Schubert’s wife works or worked, is viewable at All images and naming of the swimmer, or identifying features such as her address and her car model and license plate, have been whited out.

We don’t mind being a broken record by repeating that this finding also shows again the lengths to which figures such as Schubert, and others in organized swimming, will go in order to cover up their creepy netherworld of child sexual abuse and endangerment. They are liars.

This is useful to bear in mind as swimming proceeds with its campaign to silence or chill Concussion Inc. — the only media outlet offering full and persistent coverage of the scandals in Baltimore, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, and elsewhere.

The lesson of the Rianda lawsuit is that Schubert used knowledge of inappropriate activity for his own gain without addressing the more serious matter of what this means to the thousands of young girl swimmers who are entrusted in the hands — literally — of older men who are their authority figures.

To review: In October of 2012 Schubert denied ever hiring a private investigator. His attorney Richard Foster told the court, “Plaintiff accuses Schubert of holding onto this evidence for his own personal gain instead of turning it over to the authorities. None of this is true. Schubert never hired a private investigator and never had any evidence that Hutchison had an inappropriate sexual relationship with one of his swimmers. Plaintiff’s allegations are simply false.”

It wasn’t until the depositions months later that Schubert admitted otherwise. In March of this year, when the Orange County Register reported the fact, Foster “could not be reached for comment.”

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick