Air Force Academy, Former Greg Winslow Employer: ASU and Utah Did Not Contact Us And We Have Told Our Swimmers and Families Nothing

More Details on ASU Police Moves in Greg Winslow Sex Abuse Investigation
March 18, 2013
Air Force Academy/Colorado Springs Falfins, Former Greg Winslow Employer: ASU and Utah Did Not Contact Us — Learned About It ‘Through Your Blog’
March 18, 2013
More Details on ASU Police Moves in Greg Winslow Sex Abuse Investigation
March 18, 2013
Air Force Academy/Colorado Springs Falfins, Former Greg Winslow Employer: ASU and Utah Did Not Contact Us — Learned About It ‘Through Your Blog’
March 18, 2013

by Irvin Muchnick and Tim Joyce

After his first head coaching job with Valley Dolphins Swim Team, in the 1990s, Greg Winslow became an assistant swim coach at the Air Force Academy, also in Colorado Springs, and head coach of the campus-based youth club program there, the Falfins.

Winslow is the recently fired head coach at the University of Utah. He lost his job after our report that the Arizona State University police recommended that the Maricopa County attorney charge Winslow with two counts of sexual abuse of a minor during his earlier tenure as an assistant coach at the university and as head coach of its campus USA Swimming program, Sun Devil Aquatics. The ASU allegations dovetail with an aborted, and now re-investigated. probe at Utah of a variety of Winslow’s abusive, unprofessional, and unethical practices.

Concussion Inc. is scrolling back through Winslow’s employment history. The immediate and obvious first questions are whether either ASU or Utah notified his past collegiate or youth programs of what they were doing and what they have found, and whether those past programs have communicated with their past or present swimmers and families.

In the previous post, the president of Valley Dolphins answered no to both questions.

So, too, does the Air Force Academy. Troy Garnhart, associate athletic director for information/communications, told us: “Greg Winslow was an assistant coach at the Air Force Academy in the early 2000s and there was no issues with his performance while here. The Falfins are a separate program and not affiliated with the Air Force Academy.”

Asked if we could fairly conclude from his answer that the Academy had not been contacted by ASU or Utah after the recent Winslow story broke, and that the Academy had not communicated about this with its own Winslow-coached athletes or their familes, Garnhart replied, “That would be correct.”

Next: the Falfins.

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick