Air Force Academy/Colorado Springs Falfins, Former Greg Winslow Employer: ASU and Utah Did Not Contact Us — Learned About It ‘Through Your Blog’

Air Force Academy, Former Greg Winslow Employer: ASU and Utah Did Not Contact Us And We Have Told Our Swimmers and Families Nothing
March 18, 2013
Why Institutions Are Unapologetic About Passing Around Pedophiles: ‘Employees Also Have Privacy Rights’
March 19, 2013
Air Force Academy, Former Greg Winslow Employer: ASU and Utah Did Not Contact Us And We Have Told Our Swimmers and Families Nothing
March 18, 2013
Why Institutions Are Unapologetic About Passing Around Pedophiles: ‘Employees Also Have Privacy Rights’
March 19, 2013

by Irvin Muchnick and Tim Joyce


Mike Stromberg, CEO and head coach of the Falfins USA Swimming club in Colorado Springs, emailed us:

Are you aware of the new information about Winslow? Yes
How were you made aware of it? Through your blog

Were you contacted by either Arizona State or Utah? No

Do you agree with our position that the families of all youth swimmers who have been coached by Winslow should be informed? Yes to the best of their ability

Have you communicated with past or present athletes and families of Falfins Swimming, and if yes, could you share what you said to them? Yes, we emailed a statement to our membership.

Stromberg has not responded to our request for a copy of the statement sent to members.

The Falfins aren’t just any old swim club. They were the team where Dennis Pursley, then director of the Olympic team, had his own kids swimming. A son, David Pursley, would go on to compete for Greg Winslow at the University of Utah. A daughter, Lisa Pursley Ebeling (now an assistant for Dennis Pursley at the University of Alabama), was on Winslow’s Utah coaching staff for one year.

P.S. 12:15 p.m. PDT. In the first paragraph above, we originally wrote that the Falfins “operate out of the Air Force Academy facilities.” Stromberg just emailed: “Falfins have not operated out the AFA since 2007.”

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick