Jerome Bettis Bus Makes a Stop at Concussion Inc.

NFL Retirees’ ‘Legacy Fund’ Boost an Obvious Throwaway Line of Lockout-Ending CBA
August 29, 2011
‘Only Let Your Kids Play Football If You Also Let Them Box’
August 31, 2011
NFL Retirees’ ‘Legacy Fund’ Boost an Obvious Throwaway Line of Lockout-Ending CBA
August 29, 2011
‘Only Let Your Kids Play Football If You Also Let Them Box’
August 31, 2011

Celebrity, commerce, and a false sense of awareness all intersect at the corner of former National Football League star Jerome Bettis and Dick’s Sporting Goods – for which Bettis has filmed a television commercial promoting the chain’s underwriting of Dr. Joseph Maroon’s dodgy ImPACT “concussion management” tests in schools.

The August 14 New York Times story about the initiative is at The YouTube of Bettis’s commercial is at

A sane national dialogue on how youth football players are being exposed daily to lifelong brain damage is no match for NFL slicksters and fans in determined denial.


Irv Muchnick

1 Comment

  1. Cod says:

    Evil is allowed to exist when good and honest men do nothing…

    and justice does occur…as all are accountable to God…

    and another reason to keep writing…the contents of the below article:

    Parents seek answers for son’s concussion, suicide
    Published – Aug 30 2011 AP

    By JOSEPH WHITE AP Sports Writer

Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick