Letter From a Lawyer And My Reply

Dawn Marie Denounces Reports Questioning ‘Wrestlers’ Rescue’
July 27, 2010
Connecticut Newspaper Editorial: Linda McMahon’s ‘Half-Truths and Outright Falsehoods’ on Steroids
July 27, 2010
Dawn Marie Denounces Reports Questioning ‘Wrestlers’ Rescue’
July 27, 2010
Connecticut Newspaper Editorial: Linda McMahon’s ‘Half-Truths and Outright Falsehoods’ on Steroids
July 27, 2010

Email to John C. Hegarty <jhegarty@jplawfirm.com>

Dear Mr. Hegarty:

I just received the message below, with your name but from the email address <Wrestlersrescue@aol.com>. I am responding to the listed email address of John C. Hegarty, associate, at the website of the Jasinski law firm.

If I am supplied with information about the registration of Wrestlers Rescue as a charitable organization, and/or information about funds received and paid out, I will immediately publish the information on my blog.

Note the correct spelling of my name.


Irvin Muchnick


July 27, 2010



RE: Wrestlers’ Rescue

Dear Mr. Munchnick:

This law firm represents Wrestlers’ Rescue and its individual officers. We have been asked to write this letter to you to address the false statements contained about our clients on your website.

On or before July 22, 2010 , you have and continue to publish articles and or blogs on your website http://wrestlingbabylon.wordpress.com/, which you alleged that money has been misappropriated by Wrestlers’ Rescue and/or its officers. The statements are untrue and defamatory. These statements were part of a calculated campaign to falsely spread propaganda in an effort to damage the credibility of Wrestlers’ Rescue and its officers. Your publication of these statements, without regard to their truthfulness, is libelous and seeks to willfully injure for personal pecuniary gain. As such, your comments are defamatory per se. Your website and corresponding blogs also constitute tortious interference with the business and contractual relations with Wrestlers’ Rescue and its officers. As such, your conduct is actionable and exposes you to the imposition of compensatory as well as punitive damages.

To avoid a lawsuit, we demand immediate retraction from your website of these false and libelous statements. Wrestlers’ Rescue demands that your retraction and correction be accompanied by a statement on your website in which you specifically repudiate your libelous statements.

This letter is your sole opportunity to remedy the injustice perpetrated upon each of these facilities by your actions. Failure to remove this information no later than Friday, July 30th from your website and blog, publish the requested retraction on your website, and cease and desist from the aforementioned comments about Wrestlers’ Rescue, will result in a lawsuit against you. Any such legal action will be accompanied by an Order to Show Cause demanding the immediate removal of the defamatory material from your website. Please govern yourself accordingly.

Sincerely yours,



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Dawn Marie

Wrestlers Rescue
1162 Saint Georges Avenue
Suite 313
Avenel, NJ 07001
Office: (732)548-5875
Cell:(908) 565-0388
Email: WrestlersRescue@aol.com
Web: http://WrestlersRescue.Org

1 Comment

  1. Chris Marullo says:

    So they’re an absolute mess of an organization with no structure but they’re still able to have lawyers?

Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick