ICYMI: Our Series on How the ‘Concussion’ Movie Devolved From a Humanist Project to a Money Grab

P.S. on ‘Concussion’ Movie-MomsTeam Tandem Going From Bad To Worse: Exactly What Mother of CTE Victim Told Newsweek Europe
December 31, 2015
From ChaneysBlog: 1900-1968 News Line of Football Brain Damage and Policy-Making
January 1, 2016
P.S. on ‘Concussion’ Movie-MomsTeam Tandem Going From Bad To Worse: Exactly What Mother of CTE Victim Told Newsweek Europe
December 31, 2015
From ChaneysBlog: 1900-1968 News Line of Football Brain Damage and Policy-Making
January 1, 2016

In 2007, the time of the double murder-suicide of WWE’s Chris Benoit, there was a vision of a public campaign to use the cluster of findings of ex-Pittsburgh Steelers players to make everyone fully aware, not just vaguely aware, that in this important way football = boxing. But Bennet Omalu et al. broke up with Chris Nowinski et al., and the campaign devolved into a turf war.
Aided by various factors, including a narrative of exile superior to others’, Omalu’s image-makers crafted the movie we see today. They won the turf war. But the campaign?… 
Concussion seems to be tanking at the box office, and there is no shame in that. The film is out there and has made a dent, and will always be around in video making a dent.
The unfortunate thing is that Omalu the egomaniac (or, more charitably, the well-meaning humanist seduced by the Hollywood treatment) has set back the public campaign. Too eager for personal absolution, even the most dissident of former National Football Leaguers now might not grasp that the campaign is not about them, either. It is not about safety, but about the size and scope of the tackle football industry, which reaches down, immorally, to millions of kids.


NOVEMBER 23, 2015: “‘Concussion’ Movie’s Subject — NFL Whistleblower Bennet Omalu — Needs to Speak Out Against Disastrous Partnership with Football Industry-Friendly MomsTeam,” https://concussioninc.net/?p=10539

DECEMBER 7: “Bravo For Bennet Omalu’s Times Essay, ‘Don’t Let Kids Play Football.’ But Why Are ‘Concussion’ Producers Playing Ball With MomsTeam?”, https://concussioninc.net/?p=10558

DECEMBER 10: “‘Concussion’ Movie Hero Bennet Omalu’s Old Colleague, Julian Bailes, Has Become the New Leading ‘Dr. No.’ of Youth Football Shilling,” https://concussioninc.net/?p=10568

DECEMBER 11: “Holy Plot Twist: ‘Concussion’ Movie Director Peter Landesman Tells Us, ‘I Never Heard of MomsTeam,” https://concussioninc.net/?p=10571

DECEMBER 13: “What Is Pop Warner Shill Julian ‘No Youth Football Deaths’ Bailes Doing on the Board of the Bennet Omalu Foundation?”, https://concussioninc.net/?p=10576

DECEMBER 14: “‘Concussion’ Movie Producers Play Dumb on Why Omalu Foundation Board Includes Pop Warner Football’s ‘No Youth Deaths’ Truther,” https://concussioninc.net/?p=10579

DECEMBER 15: “On Eve of ‘Concussion’ Movie, the Affiliated Bennet Omalu Foundation Raises Issues of Both Science and Ethics,” https://concussioninc.net/?p=10584

DECEMBER 16: “‘Concussion’ Movie Realizes Its Vision — Job For Ridley Scott’s Wife at University of Pittsburgh’s Bennet Omalu Foundation,” https://concussioninc.net/?p=10591

DECEMBER 18: “Introducing Our Coverage of Bennet Omalu’s CTE Discovery Authenticity Mess,” https://concussioninc.net/?p=10599

DECEMBER 18: “In His Own Words: What Bennet Omalu Said to Me in 2011 About the ‘CTE Discovery’ Controversy,” https://concussioninc.net/?p=10603

DECEMBER 21: “Will the Real Bennet Omalu Please Stand Up?”, https://concussioninc.net/?p=10605

DECEMBER 25: “‘Concussion’ Movie Better Than Expected — But What Matters Now Is Bennet Omalu Foundation’s Complicity With Youth Football,” https://concussioninc.net/?p=10614

DECEMBER 30: “‘Concussion’ Movie Partner MomsTeam Smeared CTE Victim Family to Newsweek Reporter — Also Exploited and Mocked Swimming Sex Abuse Victim,” https://concussioninc.net/?p=10618

DECEMBER 30: “P.S. on MomsTeam Smears,” https://concussioninc.net/?p=10620

DECEMBER 30: “‘Concussion’ Movie Director Peter Landesman Responds to Our Report That Marketing Partner Smeared CTE Victim’s Family,” https://concussioninc.net/?p=10622

DECEMBER 31: “Behind-the-Scenes Story of ‘Concussion’ Moviemakers’ Smears of CTE Victim’s Mother, Via Marketing Partner MomsTeam — Even Worse Than We Thought,” https://concussioninc.net/?p=10624

JANUARY 5, 2016: “Venture Capital For CTE Detection Key to ‘Concussion’ Movie’s Bennet Omalu’s Ethics-Challenged University of Pittsburgh Foundation,” https://concussioninc.net/?p=10645

JANUARY 7: “Bennet Omalu Foiundation’s Hybrid ‘T22’ Model Exposes Mixed Messages of Someone Who Should Be Speaking With Full Throat As a Public Intellectual,” https://concussioninc.net/?p=10655

JANUARY 11: “On Eve of State of the Union, Know That ‘Concussion’ Hero Omalu Was Always Better Connected Than He Let On,” https://concussioninc.net/?p=10661

JANUARY 26: “Newsweek Europe Apologizes — To the Smear Artist! — For Facilitating Exposure of ‘Concussion’ Movie Partner MomsTeam’s Smear of CTE Victim,” https://concussioninc.net/?p=10685

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick