
May 14, 2009

ARCHIVE 4/9/08: Chavo Guerrero’s Info Is No Joking Matter

In the last post I had some fun at the expense of Chavo Guerrero, the ECW champion who got “jobbed out” at WrestleMania ten days ago. But, of course, the information that he and Scott James, and probably a small circle of others, are closely holding about Chris Benoit’s last contacts with the outside world is no joke.
May 14, 2009

ARCHIVE 4/10/08: Preview of New Benoit Evidence

I’ve applied to the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office for additional records in the Chris Benoit case that the authorities now acknowledge should have been included in the original release of materials to the media and the public.
May 14, 2009

ARCHIVE 4/11/08: Chavo Guerrero and Scott James: Why What They Could Be Hiding About Benoit Matters

As a journalist examining the who-what-where-when-how-why of the Chris Benoit case, I understand the human factor. I also understand the value of discretion. There are witnesses I’ve backed off from when they made it clear they didn’t want to talk further about that horrible weekend in Georgia, and when I knew that persistence could pay off only in compounded grief.
Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick