ARCHIVE 4/11/08: WWE Spent at Least $260,000 Lobbying on Capitol Hill in 2007

ARCHIVE 4/11/08: ‘WWE Steps Up to the Plate’ on Concussions
May 14, 2009
ARCHIVE 4/14/08: Author Muchnick Interviewed on KRLD 1080 in Dallas
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ARCHIVE 4/11/08: ‘WWE Steps Up to the Plate’ on Concussions
May 14, 2009
ARCHIVE 4/14/08: Author Muchnick Interviewed on KRLD 1080 in Dallas
May 14, 2009

WWE Spent at Least $260,000 Lobbying on Capitol Hill in 2007

Friday, April 11th, 2008

The Center for Responsive Politics’ lobbying database now has complete information based on required filings for 2007. It shows that World Wrestling Entertainment spent at least $260,000 on lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill last year via its outside law firm, Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates Ellis.

The center’s website is Also see “WWE Lobbying: How SmackDown Does SuckUp,” October 26, 2007 (, and “Vince McMahon & Joe Lieberman: Morality-Play Tag-Team Partners,” October 30, 2007 ( .

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick