ARCHIVE 4/9/08: Memo to Vince McMahon: Don’t Blame Chavo Guerrero — He’s Not My Source

ARCHIVE 4/9/08: Audio of Author Muchnick’s Radio Interview
May 14, 2009
ARCHIVE 4/9/08: Chavo Guerrero’s Info Is No Joking Matter
May 14, 2009
ARCHIVE 4/9/08: Audio of Author Muchnick’s Radio Interview
May 14, 2009
ARCHIVE 4/9/08: Chavo Guerrero’s Info Is No Joking Matter
May 14, 2009

Memo to Vince McMahon: Don’t Blame Chavo Guerrero – He’s Not My Source

Wednesday, April 9th, 2008

TO: Vince McMahon

Chavo Guerrero lost the ECW championship to Kane at WrestleMania in a humiliating and record nine seconds. Along with everyone else at the Citrus Bowl, Chavo was gazing out toward his opponent’s usual flashy ring entrance when, lo and behold, Kane snuck up from behind out of nowhere and chokeslammed poor Chavo, and that was that.

A blog reader speculates that WWE honchos might be punishing Guerrero for suspected leaks to this blog. If so, Vince, let me take this opportunity to assure you that Guerrero has not been a source. As reported earlier, the one and only time I spoke to the person I thought was Chavo, the guy on the other end of the phone call denied that he was he, and we quickly rang off. And that’s a “shoot.”

I’d still love to hear from Guerrero about whom he told of Chris Benoit’s Sunday morning, June 24, 2007, text messages, and when he told them. If Chavo was really the person he claimed to me that he wasn’t, then he has my phone number. He also can always email me at If that doesn’t work, during his rematches with Kane, he can flash me hand signals, and I’ll find a way to get over to the house of a neighbor who has cable. In which case, Vince, I hope you let those matches go longer than nine seconds.


Irv Muchnick

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick