
May 19, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/21/08: Author Muchnick on French TV Sunday

Author Irvin Muchnick is interviewed for a report Sunday on the pandemic of deaths in pro wrestling on L’Effet Papillon (”The Butterfly Effect”), a 60 Minutes-style news magazine program on France’s Canal + network.
May 19, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/22/08: Meltzer Analyzes Additional Cell Phone Log

No sooner did I post the previous item challenging the wrestling journalism community to pick up more on this blog’s work on the Benoit investigation, when the May 26 issue of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter landed in my mailbox. It carries an item, buried on page 17 but somewhat useful in helping move the ball down the field.
May 20, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/25/08: Meltzer: No Calls to Benoit from Scott Armstrong ON MONDAY

Dave Meltzer responded to our item two days ago about the story in the May 26 Wrestling Observer Newsletter on this blog’s log of phone calls to Chris Benoit that were omitted in the log accompanying the Fayette County Sheriff’s Report. Dave said his reporting that Scott James (Armstrong) had not called Benoit came after noting that calls from WWE people stopped late morning Monday, June 25, 2007. So the intent was to say that Scott did not call Chris that day.
Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick