
May 19, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/9/08: Benoit Voicemail Scandal: Was the Atlanta TV Report Planted?

Everyone already knows that I think the April 30 piece on WSB-TV news (Channel 2 in Atlanta) was dumb — all hype, no real new information, didn’t even use or cite the intriguing November 2005 messages on the Benoit home answering machine from Eddie Guerrero.
May 19, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/8/08: Mr. Kennedy Cops to ‘Mistakes’

Catching up on several-day-old news, I see that Ken “Mr. Kennedy” Anderson, one of the Signature Pharmacy Ten who got suspended last summer by WWE, has admitted to Greg Oliver of SLAM! Wrestling, “I’m going to say that I made mistakes…. I just try to learn from my mistakes, and admit wrongdoing when it’s necessary or when it’s prudent, and just try to move on, man.”
May 19, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/8/08: Back to Daniel Benoit and Fragile X Syndrome

A subject of great sensitivity — yet one I remain convinced is another of those contributory factors in the full story of the Chris Benoit double murder/suicide — is the medical condition of Chris and Nancy’s seven-year-old son Daniel.
May 19, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/7/08: Benoit: What the Missing Voicemail Evidence Would Explain

As I said a couple of days ago — and as I’ve told my friend Dave Meltzer directly — the Wrestling Observer Newsletter is missing the boat on the disappeared Chris Benoit voicemail evidence.
May 19, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/7/08: Benoit: Speaking of Those 911 Calls …

Wrapping up the current thread on this blog about the role of Andrews International, WWE’s security firm, we should summarize what we now know were not one but two calls to 911 on June 25 by Dennis Fagan.
May 19, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/7/08: Benoit: The Sheriff’s Flawed Report and Andrews International

In the coming days I’m going to take my reporting notes on the Benoit case into new territory. Before doing so, here are some housecleaning and further information on previous items.
May 19, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/5/08: Benoit Voicemail Scandal — Complete Rundown

It’s just about time to move on to fresher aspects of the Chris Benoit investigation. But first let’s fully review the scandal of the missing cell phone voicemail. No one out there – not Fayette County officials, not the Atlanta area media, not wrestling newsletters and news websites – should have the excuse that they don’t know what this is about.
May 18, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/5/08: Dave Meltzer Misses the Point on Benoit Voicemail

In a comment on his update today at the Wrestling Observer website, Dave Meltzer pulls off the daily double of being both cryptic and weak.
May 18, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/5/08: Scott James = Scott Armstrong

Greg Oliver, wrestling writer-editor extraordinaire, reminds me to remind everyone that Scott James is better known as ex-wrestler and now ECW referee Scott Armstrong.
Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick