
May 19, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/8/08: Mr. Kennedy Cops to ‘Mistakes’

Catching up on several-day-old news, I see that Ken “Mr. Kennedy” Anderson, one of the Signature Pharmacy Ten who got suspended last summer by WWE, has admitted to Greg Oliver of SLAM! Wrestling, “I’m going to say that I made mistakes…. I just try to learn from my mistakes, and admit wrongdoing when it’s necessary or when it’s prudent, and just try to move on, man.”
May 19, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/10/08: So Maybe It Was Just an Independently Dumb TV News Report. You Decide.

I’ve been open to the possibility that the WSB-TV news story with the Benoit home answering machine messages was spontaneous and not planted. After talking today with a competing Atlanta journalist who was also on the open records list, did not receive the new CD with the phone messages at the same time as Tom Regan of WSB — yet still thinks Regan’s story, bad as it was, resulted from his own enterprise — I am even somewhat partial to the innocent explanation.
May 19, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/10/08: Columnist Reflects on Benoit Anniversary

James Caldwell, a columnist for Pro Wrestling Torch, has a thoughtful piece, headlined “The significance of June 24 — WWE and Benoit,” at
May 19, 2009

ARCHIVE 5/14/08: Channel 2/Atlanta Story with Benoit Answering Machine Audio Is Confirmed to Be Self-Generated Fluff

I earlier wondered aloud if the April 30 report on WSB-TV, Channel 2 in Atlanta, playing newly acquired audio from the Benoit home answering machine, was a leak to reporter Tom Regan. This morning Richard P. Lindsey, the attorney administering open records requests for the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office, told me that the CD with the previously unreleased audio had been sent to everyone who earlier ordered the complete Benoit file — not just Regan and me. I therefore am happy to clarify for the record that there was no leak here.
Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick