Archdiocese of Denver ‘No Comments’ Irish Coach George Gibney – Plus Other New Notes on USA Swimming’s Cover-Up

Colorado Police Confirm Basics of Concussion Inc.’s George Gibney Reporting; Questions Persist on USA Swimming’s Cover-Up Role
February 24, 2015
George Gibney’s USA Swimming Club in Denver Claims ‘No First-Hand Knowledge’ of His Dismissal and Notice to Others in 2000
February 25, 2015
Colorado Police Confirm Basics of Concussion Inc.’s George Gibney Reporting; Questions Persist on USA Swimming’s Cover-Up Role
February 24, 2015
George Gibney’s USA Swimming Club in Denver Claims ‘No First-Hand Knowledge’ of His Dismissal and Notice to Others in 2000
February 25, 2015

Concussion Inc.’s Freedom of Information Act request for the visa and green card files on George Gibney – which is being assisted by Senator Dianne Feinstein – is at No. 127 on the queue, according to the search engine at the website of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.



by Irvin Muchnick

Here is a status report on the various sources who have been solicited for further information on George Gibney’s time in Denver.


Archdiocese of Denver


We reported that Gibney traveled to Peru with a priest on a medical mission, and that Gibney referred to himself on his resume as “chairman” of the “International Peru Eye Clinic Foundation.” We asked the Most. Rev. Samuel J. Aquila, archbishop of the Archdiocese of Denver, for further information on the priest, the eye clinic mission, and Gibney’s involvement with it.


Karna Swanson, director of communications for the archdiocese, emailed, “We don’t have any information on the questions you are asking.”




Wheat Ridge Police Department


A commander in the police investigations bureau outlined for us the steps taken in 2000 by a now-retired detective in the sex crimes unit, Lila Cohen. We asked the commander and the chief if we could speak to Ms. Cohen, and whether they knew if the North Jeffco Swim Team notified USA Swimming about Gibney.


We have not heard back from the department.




North Jeffco Swim Team


We directly asked the current coaches of North Jeffco Swim Team whether the club informed USA Swimming of the circumstances of Gibney’s dismissal.


We also pointed out to co-head coach Carmen Babcock that her account to us was problematic. Babcock said, “The current staff and members of North Jeffco Swim Team were not part of the teamduring the time you are inquiring about.None of us have any information based on fact that you are requesting…. I have heard aboutGeorge Gibney and his time at NJST from articles like what you are putting together.”


Today’s information from the Wheat Ridge police, however, is that Gibney was busted on his sex-criminal past in or around September 2000. According to the North Jeffco website bios, both Babcock and head senior coach Brett Stoyell started there in 2000.


“Forgive me, but I must pursue this,” I emailed Babcock. “…Are you saying that you and Mr. Stoyell did not overlap with Gibney’s time there at all? On what date was Gibney separated from the team? On what date did you start? On what date did Mr. Stoyell start? The larger question: Was your hire part of a management change catalyzed by the Gibney scandal? If the answer is yes, then I implore you to amplify your earlier statement. On its face and at minimum, familiarizing yourself with this crisis would seem to have been one of your first orders of business.”


We have not heard back.




Arvada Police Department


Officer Jill McGranahan, the public relations coordinator, emailed, “I am working to obtain records now. I will get back to you as soon as possible.”


I also left a message at the Facebook account of a retired Arvada police sergeant who was contacted by Wheat Ridge’s Cohen in 2000.




Colorado Department of Human Resources


No further word yet from the state agency that now operates the Lookout Mountain Youth Services Center in Golden, where Gibney said he was chair of the advisory board. But some additional information has surfaced.


Concussion Inc. obtained a copy of the minutes of a 2000 meeting of the “MSCD Lab School Advisory Board.” Gibney is not listed as attending the meeting, but he is listed on the advisory board.


Between 1994 and 2005, Metropolitan State University of Denver ran a school at the Lookout Mountain facility under the direction of Bill Wiener, an education professor. Our local sources say Wiener was very disturbed when he was told of Gibney’s past.


While we await additional historical information from the state government, which currently oversees Lookout Mountain, we are also seeking out Wiener.




Frontier Airlines


We reported that after being fired from one business position in Denver when the employer caught up with the information that Gibney was an itinerant sex offender, he got a job as employee relations manager at Frontier.


The airline has not responded to multiple requests for clarification and comment.








Why Is George Gibney – No. 1 At-Large Pedophile in Global Sports – Living in Florida? And Who Sponsored His Green Card?

Published January 27th, 2015

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick