Why Did the Allentown Morning Call Censor an Op-Ed by Nancy Argentino’s Sisters on the Jimmy Snuka Grand Jury Investigation?

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Now at WrestlingObserver.com — The Op-Ed Piece on the Jimmy Snuka Grand Jury That Was Censored by the Allentown Morning Call
February 17, 2015
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Now at WrestlingObserver.com — The Op-Ed Piece on the Jimmy Snuka Grand Jury That Was Censored by the Allentown Morning Call
February 17, 2015

by Irvin Muchnick


The Allentown Morning Call has refused to publish in anything close to a timely way an opinion article the newspaper accepted last fall on the Lehigh County grand jury that is reviewing the three-decade-long homicide investigation of the 1983 death of Nancy Argentino in the Whitehall motel room of WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka.

Nancy’s sisters, Louise Argentino-Upham and Lorraine Salome, submitted the article in September, and it was accepted in October after a rewrite requested by Morning Call opinion page editor Bob Orenstein.

Today the sisters pulled the piece after Morning Call vice president and editor David Erdman did not respond satisfactorily to a request to schedule publication. (Erdman explained only that Orenstein was very busy, and did not address the latter’s January representations of an intent to publish soon.) Louise and Lorraine concluded that the Morning Call’s “acceptance” was in less than good faith, and I concur.

The recalcitrance of the Morning Call is especially puzzling because it follows the newspaper’s 2013 front-page article on the Snuka “cold case” – probably the key factor in the decision last year by district attorney James Martin to send the dormant investigation to the Seventh Investigating Grand Jury. As we reported on January 5, the grand jury’s term has been extended six months, until July 2015, by Court of Common Pleas Judge Maria L. Dantos.

More from here soon on where and when the censored essay by the Argentino sisters will be published.


JUSTICE DENIED: The Untold Story of Nancy Argentino’s Death in Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka’s Motel Room can be purchased for $2.99 at http://amzn.com/B00CPTP6VM. Readers without Amazon Kindle-compatible devices can get a PDF file copy by sending $2.99, via PayPal, to nancyargentino@gmail.com. All proceeds benefit the My Sisters’ Place women’s shelter and resource center in White Plains, New York.

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick