Court Case on Fort Lauderdale’s Public Records on Alex Pussieldi Moves Forward

Text of the New Petition by USA Swimming Abuse Victims — Directed to the Congressional Olympic and Paralympics Caucus
June 11, 2014
Joyce Flashback: The Day Debbie Phelps (Michael’s Mom) Hung Up on Me When I Asked Her About Sexual Abuse in Swimming
June 12, 2014
Text of the New Petition by USA Swimming Abuse Victims — Directed to the Congressional Olympic and Paralympics Caucus
June 11, 2014
Joyce Flashback: The Day Debbie Phelps (Michael’s Mom) Hung Up on Me When I Asked Her About Sexual Abuse in Swimming
June 12, 2014

by Irvin Muchnick


Fort Lauderdale assistant city attorney Alan E. Boileau has filed a notice of appearance in my lawsuit against the city, in Broward County circuit court, to reverse the blacking out of narrative information in recently produced public records on Alex Pussieldi.

We are confident about the prospect of getting a hearing soon for in camera review of the unredacted documents by Judge John B. Bowman.


Complete links to Concussion Inc.’s coverage of the petition drive that forced the withdrawal of the Chuck Wielgus induction into the International Swimming Hall of Fame are at “Chuck Wielgus Belongs in the Hall of Justice, Not the Hall of Fame,”

The cover story in South Florida’sNew Times, “An Underage Sex Scandal Leads to South Florida’s Swimming Hall of Fame,” is at

Complete links to Concussion Inc.’s ongoing investigation of the Alex Pussieldi cover-up by both local police and public officials in Florida, and USA Swimming, are at

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick