Judge Assigned to Muchnick Suit Against City of Fort Lauderdale in Alex Pussieldi Open Records Dispute

Clumsily, But on the Right Track, Florida TV News Says of Chuck Wielgus, ‘From Hall of Fame Induction to Possible Indictment’
June 5, 2014
Dear Chuck Wielgus, USA Swimming: Apology Not Accepted. It’s Too Late. And You’re a Perjuror. Resign Today.
June 6, 2014
Clumsily, But on the Right Track, Florida TV News Says of Chuck Wielgus, ‘From Hall of Fame Induction to Possible Indictment’
June 5, 2014
Dear Chuck Wielgus, USA Swimming: Apology Not Accepted. It’s Too Late. And You’re a Perjuror. Resign Today.
June 6, 2014

by Irvin Muchnick


On May 22 I filed an action in Florida Circuit Court in Broward County to overturn extensive redactions made by the City of Fort Lauderdale in my public records requests for files on Alex Pussieldi.

The case now has been assigned to a panel of judges headed by Judge John B. Bowman. The city was served two days ago.

We’re requesting an immediate hearing to address our plea for an in camera(judge’s chambers) inspection of the unredacted version of the records at issue so that the court can determine whether the city has unlawfully redacted non-exempt information.

Florida law provides for an “immediate hearing,” which is defined as the court giving “the case priority over other pending cases.”



Complete links to Concussion Inc.’s coverage of the petition drive that forced the withdrawal of the Chuck Wielgus induction into the International Swimming Hall of Fame are at “Chuck Wielgus Belongs in the Hall of Justice, Not the Hall of Fame,”https://concussioninc.net/?p=9233.

This week’s cover story in South Florida’sNew Times, “An Underage Sex Scandal Leads to South Florida’s Swimming Hall of Fame,” is athttp://www.miaminewtimes.com/2014-06-05/news/sex-scandal-swimming-hall-of-fame-fort-lauderdale/.

Complete links to Concussion Inc.’s four-month-long investigation of the Alex Pussieldi cover-up by both local police and public officials in Florida, and USA Swimming, are athttps://concussioninc.net/?p=8652.

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick