Fort Lauderdale Police Sitting on Two Verbatim Statements in 2004 Special Victims Unit Investigation – One By Alex Pussieldi Himself, the Other by a Victim

Chuck Wielgus, USA Swimming’s Perjury King, Is on the Hook, Too, in Fort Lauderdale Cover-Up of Alex Pussieldi
April 10, 2014
Reviewing the Fort Lauderdale Police Special Victims Unit File on Alex Pussieldi – Evidence Is Devastating, and More Reticent Local Witnesses Are Being Smoked Out
April 11, 2014
Chuck Wielgus, USA Swimming’s Perjury King, Is on the Hook, Too, in Fort Lauderdale Cover-Up of Alex Pussieldi
April 10, 2014
Reviewing the Fort Lauderdale Police Special Victims Unit File on Alex Pussieldi – Evidence Is Devastating, and More Reticent Local Witnesses Are Being Smoked Out
April 11, 2014

by Irvin Muchnick and Tim Joyce


Though the Fort Lauderdale police two days ago released to Concussion Inc. documents from the 2004 Special Victims Unit investigation of Alex Pussieldi, they do not include two verbatim statements referenced there, which formed the basis of Detective Jeff Jennings’ report.

The first statement is clearly that of the Mexican swimmer who both complained that Pussieldi physically assaulted him on the deck of the Fort Lauderdale Aquatic Complex, and explained the back story: Pussieldi’s clandestine videotaping of him in the bathroom when the Mexican was one of several foreign underage swimmers being housed by the coach. (The Mexican told the cops that Pussieldi had been his legal guardian.)

The second statement is Pussieldi’s own.

Yesterday Michele Hyzy, acting records supervisor for the Fort Lauderdale police, told us, “The Records Unit does not have statements taken by the Bureau. You will have to coordinate the request for the statements through Kim Rhodes who is the Public Records Coordinator.”

As this article was being posted, Rhodes had not responded to an email or a voicemail yesterday, or a second email today.

The importance of the precise contemporaneous accounts of the Mexican swimmer and Pussieldi becomes evident in a thorough review of everything in the lightly redacted Special Victims Unit file, which we published at More on that next.

Complete links to our Alex Pussieldi investigation are at

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick