Muchnick at ‘Alleged Cover-Up of Sex Abuse By Olympic Coach Fuels Federal Investigation of USA Swimming’

FLASHBACK: Complete Links to Concussion Inc.’s Coverage of the Lehigh County DA’s ‘Fresh Look’ at Jimmy Snuka-Nancy Argentino Homicide Investigation
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FLASHBACK: Complete Links to Concussion Inc.’s Coverage of the Lehigh County DA’s ‘Fresh Look’ at Jimmy Snuka-Nancy Argentino Homicide Investigation
October 17, 2013
Once Again, List of Attendees of USA Swimming Board Meetings at Country Club of Colorado When Secretly Banned Coach Uchiyama Was Aquatics Director There
October 17, 2013

America’s 400,000 club swimmers and their families should join me in being grateful for a resource like MomsTEAM to help spread the word about the deepening government investigations of the cover-up of widespread and credible allegations of coach sexual abuse in USA Swimming. Congressman George Miller of California, ranking minority member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, is on the case; albeit with lower profiles, so are two California offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

This is a chilling tale the mainstream media doesn’t want to touch with the proverbial kickboard. In my view, they set the bar too high; only willing to report those isolated cases in which convicted predators are led off to jail in handcuffs. Exhibit A in this Rogues gallery is Rick Curl, the Washington, D.C., area coach who serially molested his swimmer Kelley Davies in the 1980s and is now serving a seven-year sentence in a Maryland prison. It was in the post-trial public statements of Curl’s victim, now named Kelley Currin, that we learned of allegations that top swimming officials engaged in a quarter-century cover-up of Curl’s crimes. Currin’s call for Congressional intervention was endorsed by The Washington Post in an editorial and is being pursued by Congressman Miller.


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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick