Who Will Become the 100th Coach Thrown Under the Bus by the Corrupt USA Swimming Executive Leadership’s Butt-Covering ‘Safe Sport Program’?
October 2, 2013Flashback: Interview With Justine McCarthy, Author of ‘Deep Deception: Ireland’s Swimming Scandals’
October 5, 2013
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by Irvin Muchnick and Tim Joyce
Arizona Coach and Club Owner Arrested for Child Porn
Bruce Rock, owner of the Pima Swim Club in Tucson and coach of the girls’ team at Mountain View High School:
Sadly, these cases are so common that they distract from the main motif of the swimming scandal — which is not random perversion and pedophilia but, rather, specific power-tripping by coaches of girls under their charge, for the purpose of athletic advancement, which leads to ill-named “inappropriate relationships” that are, in fact, systematic sexual molestation.
But on the subject of child porn, check out the story of top USA Swimming official Will Colebank, who was secretly dumped at the organization’s Colorado Springs headquarters, and thereby allowed to become a public school teacher in the very same community, before his own wife and son turned him in. See “USA Swimming Pedophile Will Colebank’s 2007 Arrest Report,” October 1, 2012, https://concussioninc.net/?p=6122.
And Everett Uchiyama, swimming’s national team director, resigned, quietly and overnight, in 2006 after a former swimmer under his charge came forward with unrefuted allegations of his sexual abuse of her. Only part of that sordid history has been told so far: “Helpful Pat Hogan, USA Swimming Club Development Director — Always at the Ready With a Job Reference for a Sex Abuser,” https://concussioninc.net/?p=5980. The rest will be up at Concussion Inc. shortly, as the new California law reopening the statute of limitations in abuse civil suits gets enacted. It was a measure vigorously and expensively opposed by USA Swimming’s lobbyists and their partners in the Catholic Conference.
Seven Days: The Week’s Headlines
Countdown to SB 131 Signing and Implementation — California Sex Abuse Lawsuit Law, Opposed by USA Swimming and the Catholic Church
Concussion Inc.’s Tim Joyce at The Hill: ‘USA Swimming slowly sinking in a deepening pool of suspicion’
Who Will Become the 100th Coach Thrown Under the Bus by the Corrupt USA Swimming Executive Leadership’s Butt-Covering ‘Safe Sport Program’?
USA Swimming’s International Sex Abuse Insurance Scam — First Five Parts of Our Series, As a Single Post
Published September 19th, 2013