(I) Not Fit to Print in the Baltimore City Paper — WBAL Radio Censors, Tries to Silence Reporter Tim Joyce

Scandals at Michael Phelps’ North Baltimore Aquatic Club Are Not Fit to Print in the ‘Alternative’ City Paper
August 6, 2013
(II) Not Fit to Print in the Baltimore City Paper — The Baltimore County Police And the ‘Lost’ Report From USA Swimming
August 6, 2013
Scandals at Michael Phelps’ North Baltimore Aquatic Club Are Not Fit to Print in the ‘Alternative’ City Paper
August 6, 2013
(II) Not Fit to Print in the Baltimore City Paper — The Baltimore County Police And the ‘Lost’ Report From USA Swimming
August 6, 2013

My post earlier today got it wrong.Turns out that Baltimore’sCity Paperdidn’t delete four of the five bullet points in my letter to the editor in this week’s issue; it deleted all five bullet points.

Here they are, one by one, with complete links to coverage here of the topics regarding the North Baltimore Aquatic Club that this “alternative” newspaper will not touch.


I.* WBAL Radio last year disappeared its own series on sex abuse in swimming by my colleague Tim Joyce, after Joyce started zeroing in on allegations against NBAC founder Murray Stephens. Joyce’s original report (which didn’t name Stephens, though Concussion Inc. soon would) led to Stephens’ departure as the face of the club. But not his departure – he continues, as owner of the Meadowbrook Aquatic Center, to collect scores of thousands of dollars a month in NBAC pool rental fees.




‘Swimming Coach Accused of Molestation at Michael Phelps’ North Baltimore Aquatic Club’ – Tim Joyce, WBAL

Published October 3rd, 2012



NO LONGER CENSORED: Investigative Reporter Tim Joyce’s Story on Sex Abuse Allegations at Michael Phelps’ North Baltimore Aquatic Club

Published October 12th, 2012

Tim Joyce Guest Column: The Search for the Truth About Sex Abuse at the North Baltimore Aquatic Club … And the Search for Michael Phelps

Published December 14th, 2012
NEXT:Baltimore Sunwon’t name NBAC founder and Meadowbrook Aquatic Center owner and International Swimming Hall of Fame inductee Murray Stephens as the coach who stepped down amidst abuse allegations — nor the fact that the Baltimore County police “lost” the 2010 report about Stephens that USA Swimming sent them.

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick