Muchnick at — ‘USA Swimming’s Response To Sexual Abuse By Coaches: Treat It As A PR Headache’

JOYCE: Reading Between the Lines of USA Swimming’s PR Campaign
August 5, 2013
USA Swimming’s ‘Complex’ Problem of Letting Alcoholic Rapists and Con Men Coach Kids, and Hiring the Owner of ‘’ To Design Its Background Check System
August 6, 2013
JOYCE: Reading Between the Lines of USA Swimming’s PR Campaign
August 5, 2013
USA Swimming’s ‘Complex’ Problem of Letting Alcoholic Rapists and Con Men Coach Kids, and Hiring the Owner of ‘’ To Design Its Background Check System
August 6, 2013

Last week mywebsitepublished an internal memo co-authored by Chuck Wielgus, the CEO of USA Swimming, in which the U.S. Olympic Committee’s national sport governing outlined what it seems to think is a bold new strategy to combat all the negative press it has gotten for a generation’s accumulation of anecdotes of coach sexual abuse of underage athletes — all accompanied by systematic denial and cover-up.

That bold new strategy can be summarized thusly: better PR.


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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick