Louis Lowenthal Death: Maryland Health Department Says Meadowbook Aquatic Center Regulation Is Delegated to Baltimore Health Department

R.I.P., Anthony Lewis
March 25, 2013
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R.I.P., Anthony Lewis
March 25, 2013
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March 26, 2013

We continue coverage of the October 2012 drowning death of 14-year-old North Baltimore Aquatic Club swimmer Louis Lowenthal.

The youngster was pulled brain-dead from the outdoor pool at Meadowbrook Aquatic Center. He went unnoticed for some time, possibly as long as 20 minutes.

By law, Meadowbrook was required to file an incident report with the Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene within 24 hours. Meadowbrook did not comply. Further, Meadowbrook’s report has holes and questionable representations — notably the contention or vague suggestion that three lifeguards were present. No matter how many lifeguards were on work shifts at Meadowbrook at the time of the accident, and no matter how many lifeguard stations the outdoor pool there has, witnesses are clear on the fact that Louis Lowenthal was alone and unattended at the complex’s outdoor pool.

See “EXCLUSIVE: Baltimore Pool’s Report on Lowenthal Death Was Filed Late With Health Department and Seems to Claim Three Lifeguards Were Present,” February 18,https://concussioninc.net/?p=6755.

Last month I asked Dr. Clifford Mitchell, director of the state health department’s environmental health bureau, if there were any sanctions or consequences for Meadowbrook’s failure to file a timely report, and if the department had followed up on the incident in any way.

“We do not have any penalties in our regulations for facilities that report after 24 hours,” Mitchell replied.

Mitchell also said the pool is regulated “by the City of Baltimore, which has been delegated responsibility for the entire pools regulatory program by the State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. You may wish to contact the City of Baltimore regarding further details of their actions and activities related to this facility.”

Earlier today Concussion Inc. asked Dr. Oxiris Barbot, Baltimore’s commissioner of health, if the city health department had done anything in the aftermath of the Lowenthal death at Meadowbrook. We have yet to receive a response.



Irv Muchnick

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick