Greg Winslow Sex Abuse Scandal Mailbag: Clear Details (Which We’re Not Publishing) on Another Victim on the Utah Women’s Swim Team

Summary of Arizona State University Police Report Recommending Sex Abuse Charges Against Swim Coach Greg Winslow
March 6, 2013
Statements from UNC and Associate Head Swim Coach Mike Litzinger, Utah Head Coach Predecessor to Accused Sex Abuser Greg Winslow
March 6, 2013
Summary of Arizona State University Police Report Recommending Sex Abuse Charges Against Swim Coach Greg Winslow
March 6, 2013
Statements from UNC and Associate Head Swim Coach Mike Litzinger, Utah Head Coach Predecessor to Accused Sex Abuser Greg Winslow
March 6, 2013

As Tim Joyce and I wrote earlier this morning, the statistical and forensic possibility is approximately 0.0% that the Arizona accuser of deposed swim coach Greg Winslow is the only victim of youth coach sex abuse on the current Utah women’s team.

In that connection, here’s an excerpt of an email we got yesterday from another part of the country, which was accompanied by links and dead-bang testimony. So as not to help anyone identify the victim — whose story is approximately as well known as Kelley Davies’ regarding Rick Curl at the University of Texas decades ago; i.e., very well known — I’m removing references even to the region she’s from.

I am a concerned former, female swimmer of a coach now on the USA Swimming banned list. I personally was not sexually abused by him — just psychologically abused by him for many years as an age group/teenager. I want this underground USA Swimming culture of coaches “grooming” young girls with psychological abuse to evolve into sexual abuse of minors to evolve into girlfriends/wives to be exposed and STOPPED.

There is another swimmer who was abused by my coach prior to being recruited by Winslow and swimming for Utah.

While she was swimming for the banned coach, they began a relationship when she was underage. It is common knowledge within our swimming community. There are whispers that the banned coach is under criminal investigation. There are also whispers that the two are currently in a relationship and planning to get married.

This goes along with your article about “grooming” underage, female swimmers to become girlfriends/wives of older, male coaches.

The swimmer’s connections to both Winslow and the banned coach go to prove the underground culture in USA Swimming where “borderline” relationships between underage, female swimmers and older, male coaches exist and are “acceptable behavior.”

Irv Muchnick

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick