Summary of Arizona State University Police Report Recommending Sex Abuse Charges Against Swim Coach Greg Winslow

Greg Winslow Files: Part 6 — Alleged Victim of Utah Swim Coach in Arizona Is No Isolated Case
March 6, 2013
Greg Winslow Sex Abuse Scandal Mailbag: Clear Details (Which We’re Not Publishing) on Another Victim on the Utah Women’s Swim Team
March 6, 2013
Greg Winslow Files: Part 6 — Alleged Victim of Utah Swim Coach in Arizona Is No Isolated Case
March 6, 2013
Greg Winslow Sex Abuse Scandal Mailbag: Clear Details (Which We’re Not Publishing) on Another Victim on the Utah Women’s Swim Team
March 6, 2013

Following is the full text (with redactions — some by the authorities and still others by Concussion Inc.) of the the concluding pages of the Arizona State University Police Department incident report narrative on the allegations against Greg Winslow.

Summary of Facts:

During the winter of 2005, (S) Greg Winslow, age 32 was a swim coach for (V) xxxxx age 15. Due to xxxxx exceptional athletic ability, Winslow paid special attention to xxxxx. Winslow would often meet with xxxxx alone in his office after practice on a consistent basis. xxxxx described grooming behavior and physical contact by Winslow that began as hugging. xxxxx alleges that the hugging escalated into kissing her on the mouth. and later fondling of her xxxxx, xxxxx, and xxxxx over her clothing as well as xxxxx Greg’s xxxxx over his clothes. It was further reported during the sexual contact, that Winslow would make statements to xxxxx of not disclosing the sexual contact because he (Winslow) would get into trouble. The majority of these sexual encounters occurred [in] Winslow’s, locked, office at the Arizona State University, Mona Plummer Aquatic Center. No penetration regarding xxxxx, oral, xxxxx, or xxxxx sexual contact was reported. No direct witnesses to the sexual contact have been identified. No other victims have been identified to date.

The sexual contact between xxxxx and Winslow reportedly continued for approximately 2 years until just prior to Winslow being hired by the xxxxx. The sexual contact was reported to have just stopped abruptly without any discussion between Winslow and xxxxx.

After graduating from high school, xxxxx attended xxxxx. Their relationship became strained during xxxxx freshman year, due to apparent personality conflicts, and reported unprofessional conduct by Winslow. Due to these conflicts xxxxx requested to be released (given permission to transfer per NCAA rules) to the xxxxx swim program. It is reported that xxxxx xxxxx had to petition for release from an authority xxxxx. xxxxx release was eventually approved and she transferred to the xxxxx as a sophomore.

xxxxx eventually became involved in drugs and alcohol which affected her ability to attend practice. xxxxx was terminated from the xxxxx swimming team due to lack of attendance.

In August of 2012, xxxxx unsuccessful[ly] attempted to commit suicide by drug overdose. During her subsequent treatment she disclosed the sexual abuse by Winslow was a contributing factor for her attempting suicide.

The sexual abuse allegations were reported by xxxxx care provider to xxxxx father, xxxxx. xxxxx then contacted ASU PD and this investigation into the matter was opened.

A forensic interview was conducted with the xxxxx where she disclosed an ongoing cycle of sexual abuse by Winslow spanning approx. two (2) years.

Winslow is currently being investigated for non-criminal allegations of having inappropriate relationships with several swimmers, including xxxxx. These allegations are outside of the State of Arizona and as such outside of the jurisdiction of ASU PD, as well as the scope of this investigation. No crimninal conduct has been reported regarding these specific xxxxx related allegations by ASU PD at this time.

Winslow apologized to the victim for his inappropriate hugging, kissing, and touching of the victim’s xxxxx during a recorded confrontation call on 11/28/2012. This conversation was heard by this investigator (Det. Parker). Winslow later stated during a police interview that this apology was for the benefit of the victim so “she could get better.[“]

Although, xxxxx did not tell Winslow “no”, other than in one specific instance where Winslow attempted to remove the victim’s xxxxx, the victim did not reciprocate and appeared in a rigid, almost catatonic state during the abuse.

Winslow instructed the victim to not disclose the sexual contact because he (Winslow) would get in trouble and would be called, “Chester the Molester.” This indicates that Winslow was aware his actions were unlawful.

Pursuant to ARS 13-1407B (Defenses), Greg Winslow did in fact know, or should have reasonably known, the victinm’s age as he was coaching a swimming program for high school age students (ages 14 through 17) and had almost daily contact with the victim and her family members. Therefore, a reasonable defense does not exist that Greg Winslow did not know the victim’s age in accordance with ARS 132-1407B (Defenses).

Additionally, based on the victim’s statements; the victim’s age (15) and maturity level; the suspect’s age (32) in relation to the victim; the suspect’s position of trust and authority over the victim; the victim’s fear of reprisal affecting her swimming career based on this position of trust and authority; the victim’s fear of being embarrassed and judged if she disclosed; the fact the suspect conducted grooming behavior (hugging, giving special attention) that progressed into sexual contact with the victim; the suspect[‘]s admission during the confrontation call; and the suspect[‘]s acknowledgment to the victim he would get in trouble if she disclosed the sexual contact reported. For these reasons stated above, there may be sufficient probable cause for charging of sexual abuse under Arizona law.

Therefore, I am requesting MCAO review two counts of Sexual Abuse charges against Greg L. Winslow.

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick