Life Imitates Art Imitates Life in Ensemble Studio Theatre’s ‘Headstrong’ – Final Preview Monday in New York

End-of-Week Thoughts on Long-Running and Unresolved USA Swimming Sex Abuse
April 20, 2012
ECW Press Announces Revised Digital Edition of ‘CHRIS & NANCY,’ Irvin Muchnick Book on Benoit Murder-Suicide
April 24, 2012
End-of-Week Thoughts on Long-Running and Unresolved USA Swimming Sex Abuse
April 20, 2012
ECW Press Announces Revised Digital Edition of ‘CHRIS & NANCY,’ Irvin Muchnick Book on Benoit Murder-Suicide
April 24, 2012

On Monday night I’ll be in New York for an unusual event: a “talk back” discussion following Ensemble Studio Theatre’s final preview performance of Headstrong, a new play by Patrick Link on the theme of … football concussions.

And let me tell you, as dramatic premises go, this beats watching the grass grow. Headstrong was commissioned by the Sloan Foundation as part of a series joining science with theatrical potential. With a little luck, it will do for concussions what Arthur Miller’s All My Sons did for war profiteers.

I’ll be accompanied on Monday’s panel by Annegret Dettwiler-Danspeckgruber, associate research scholar at Princeton’s Neuroscience Institute. For full details, see

Not that the Link play needed a particular macabre backdrop, but this all happens within days of the latest retired National Football League player suicide: Atlanta Falcons safety Ray Easterling. I commend the Easterling coverage by Alex Marvez and A.J. Perez of


Irv Muchnick

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick