100+ Pittsburgh Partners at Rick Santorum’s Old Law Firm Remain Silent on the Eileen Wargo Concussion Inc. Stalking Affair

Concussion Inc. Flashback: My Weird 1988 Conversation With Then WWE Lobbyist and Now Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum
January 4, 2012
Independent Journalist Matt Chaney Whacks Serious Underreporting of Catastrophic Football Injuries. What Say You, Dr. Cantu?
January 5, 2012
Concussion Inc. Flashback: My Weird 1988 Conversation With Then WWE Lobbyist and Now Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum
January 4, 2012
Independent Journalist Matt Chaney Whacks Serious Underreporting of Catastrophic Football Injuries. What Say You, Dr. Cantu?
January 5, 2012

Look for our upcoming ebook UPMC: Concussion Scandal Ground Zero. Complete info on the Concussion Inc. ebook shorts series is here.

In the previous post I recalled my 1988 conversation with Rick Santorum, then a young associate at the Pittsburgh law firm Kirkpatrick & Lockhart, where his duties included coordinating the Pennsylvania lobbying efforts of the company now known as WWE – World Wrestling Entertainment.

Through mergers, Kirkpatrick & Lockhart itself is now K&L Gates and it occupies the largest office space in Pittsburgh. More than 100 partners alone of this global collection of legal eagles are based there. Yesterday I sent the email below to all of them. I’m still waiting to hear back from them on the bizarre story of the apparent online stalking of me by Eileen Wargo, secretary for K&L Gates partner Jerry McDevitt, a prominent lawyer for WWE and its principal owners, Vince and Linda McMahon.


Since I have had no response to the message below, I am forwarding it to all Pittsburgh-based K&L Gates partners, of counsel, and top administrators listed at your website. (To stay within the guidelines of my email service, I am sending this in batches of 10 recipients. Mr. McDevitt and Ms. Branthoover are being cc’d on the first alphabetical batch, Susan Altman through David Brownlee.)

I do believe K&L Gates should respond to my inquiry regarding strange online activities undertaken either by Eileen Wargo, legal secretary for Jerry McDevitt, or by someone else using her and the firm’s names.

Irvin Muchnick


FROM: Irvin Muchnick

TO: Jerry McDevitt, Carolyn Branthoover

Wednesday, December 28, 2011 9:18 AM
Mr. McDevitt and Ms. Branthoover:

After transmitting the message below, I received an out-of-office automated email response, stating that Ms. Wargo was away until after the first of the year. I did not receive an auto response to my email to her last week, which suggests that she was in the office at that time but chose not to respond.

Of course, I look forward to hearing back from Ms. Wargo and I will follow up with her next week if I do not. In the meantime, I also invite additional information from both of you on the situation with LinkedIn and Twitter accounts in Ms. Wargo’s name.
Irvin Muchnick


—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Irvin Muchnick

To: Eileen Wargo
Cc: Jerry McDevitt, Carolyn Branthoover
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 9:05 AM
Subject: Fw: Possible Inappropriate Profile [Ticket: 111222-002816]

Ms. Wargo:

Below is the response from LinkedIn to my report of an inappropriate profile. The profile of the Eileen Wargo who was said to be employed by Ariba, Inc. — after leaving her job as Jerry McDevitt’s legal secretary — has been deleted. I will continue attempting to get further information from both LinkedIn and Ariba. If you have anything to add, I invite you to share it, as well.

Please also confirm for me that you are @ewklg at Twitter. If the answer to that question is yes, please additionally let me know the background of your tracking the Twitter posts of myself and three others, and specifically whether you were instructed to do so and by whom.

My contact information is below. I will follow up by phone.

Irvin Muchnick


—– Forwarded Message —–
From: LinkedIn Customer Support
To: Irvin Muchnick
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 7:46 AM
Subject: Possible Inappropriate Profile [Ticket: 111222-002816]

LinkedIn Customer Support Message
Subject: Possible Inappropriate Profile
Hi Irvin,Thanks for informing us of this situation.

It is against the terms of LinkedIn’s User Agreement to impersonate another person on the website. We will take the appropriate action based on the results of our investigation.

We appreciate your assistance in making LinkedIn a professional and trustworthy site.


LinkedIn Privacy Team

Original Contact:
Member Comment: Irvin Muchnick

12/22/2011 14:52

There appears to be false information at this LinkedIn profile: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/eileen-wargo/32/904/8b0The full background of this false information is at the following post on my blog: https://concussioninc.net/?p=5092

Comments are closed.

Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick