Still Missing in Action on Concussions: Senator Tom Udall, Congressman Henry Waxman, Senator Richard Blumenthal

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Below is my email-and-fax message yesterday to Marissa Padilla (for Senator Tom Udall), Karen Lightfoot (for Congressman Henry Waxman), and Kate Hansen and Lily Adams (for Senator Richard Blumenthal). There has been no response.
For another update, please respond to the item below.

Missing in Action on Concussions: Senator Tom Udall, Congressman Henry Waxman, Senator Richard Blumenthal

Published September 21st, 2011
A week ago today I emailed Marissa Padilla, communications director for Senator Tom Udall: “What is the status of the football helmet matter?”
The same day I faxed the same message to Karen Lightfoot, who has the same position for Congressman Henry Waxman, and emailed it to Kate Hansen and Lily Adams, staffers for Senator Richard Blumenthal.
Here are their responses:
Irv Muchnick

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick