Former San Francisco 49er George Visger Comments on Today’s Article at Beyond Chron

‘And the NFL Band Played On’ … today at Beyond Chron
June 24, 2011
Chicago Tribune: ‘Doubts Cast on Concussion Remedies’
June 25, 2011
‘And the NFL Band Played On’ … today at Beyond Chron
June 24, 2011
Chicago Tribune: ‘Doubts Cast on Concussion Remedies’
June 25, 2011

This was just posted as a comment to the previous item on the blog. But it warrants its own headline and posting.


I agree with you, but think Ellenbogen is trying to do the right thing. I played DT for the 49ers in 80 & 81 when I developed hydrocephalus from numerous concussions, and underwent emergency VP Shunt brain surgery at age 22. My shunt failed (in Mexico fishing) just 4 months after we won Super Bowl XVI and my brother brought me home in a coma. I under went 2 more brain surgeries 10 hours apart and was given last rites. I was also given the hospital bills, and had creditors on me for nearly 5 years till I successfully sued the 49ers for WORKERS COMP! I am now on brain surgery # 9, multiple gran mal seizures and currently taking my 6th different seizure med since starting on them over 25 years ago. The side effects have been catastrophic on my everyday life.

Ellenbogen called me ~ 1 1/2 years ago when I called him out on Dave Pear’s blog immediately after he was hired. He and I correspond regularly now.He asked I submit suggested rule changes which he would present to the NFL Rules Committee. Many of my suggestions have been implemented today (much to the chagrin of players). Only difference I had was I wanted all fines for head to head hits levied at the owners not the players.

I was one of 4 ex players and 5 NFL Hall of Fame players asked to speak at a press conference in Washington DC last Monday, prior to the Carl Eller vs NFL lawsuit.

We need more folks like you not afraid to air the NFL’s dirty laundry.

George Visger
SF 49ers 80 & 81
Survivor of 9 NFL Caused Emergency VP Shunt Brain Surgeries
Benefactor of ZERO NFL Benefits

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