Concussions? I Don’t Remember No Concussions.

Linda McMahon Mingles Among the People, With Whom Her ‘Image’ Remains Good
July 10, 2010
More Chilling NFL Concussion Anecdotes
July 10, 2010
Linda McMahon Mingles Among the People, With Whom Her ‘Image’ Remains Good
July 10, 2010
More Chilling NFL Concussion Anecdotes
July 10, 2010

Q Are you aware of any incident where a wrestler in a match received a concussion?

A No.

Stephanie McMahon Levesque to the staff of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, December 2007


(Thanks to Keith Harris and David Bixenspan for this information. It is in their comments on a previous post but merits its own post.)

At World Wrestling Entertainment’s SummerSlam show in 2000, Linda McMahon’s son-in-law Paul “Triple H” Levesque knocked fellow wrestler Kurt Angle unconscious with the former’s “Pedigree” move. The injury was caused by the failure of a gimmicked prop. Linda’s daughter Stephanie was a central figure in the storyline and saw everything first-hand and at uncomfortably close range.

For details, see

In his memoir It’s True! It’s True!, Angle recounts the incident in full. You can view the relevant excerpt at

Irv Muchnick

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  1. […] …” See also “Concussions? I Don’t Remember No Concussions,” July 10,, and “More Concussions, You Say? I Don’t Remember No Concussions,” July 12, […]

Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick