Brian Lockhart and Hearst Pointed Readers to the Entire Waxman Committee Primary-Source Record (4th in a series)

Hearst Story on Waxman Committee Dropping the Ball on WWE Investigation Is Unimportant – Just Take Dave Meltzer’s Word for It (3rd in a series)
March 4, 2010
Atrocious Occupational Health and Safety Standards of Linda McMahon’s WWE a Public Health Issue (5th in a series)
March 5, 2010
Hearst Story on Waxman Committee Dropping the Ball on WWE Investigation Is Unimportant – Just Take Dave Meltzer’s Word for It (3rd in a series)
March 4, 2010
Atrocious Occupational Health and Safety Standards of Linda McMahon’s WWE a Public Health Issue (5th in a series)
March 5, 2010


Introducing “WWE Responds to Hearst’s Story on the Abortive Waxman Committee Steroid Investigation” (1st in a series)

WWE Corporate Flack Is One of the Hardest Jobs in America (2nd in a series)

Hearst Story on Waxman Committee Dropping the Ball on WWE Investigation Is Unimportant – Just Take Dave Meltzer’s Word for It (3rd in a series)

There is lot more to be written and said about the brief transit and mysterious eclipse of the Waxman Committee investigation of Vince and Linda McMahon’s World Wrestling Entertainment.

For example, as I have been noting on this blog, there are the open questions of “why?” and “who?” Why was the plug pulled on this probe? And were there influence peddlers in that process?

I leave you tonight with the homework to start that task: the Waxman Committee record. As it happens, reporter Brian Lockhart and Hearst newspapers themselves provided these links, both in the Sunday print story and in the subsequent online version.

The complete index of documents is at

Those of you interested in this tawdry tale owe it to yourselves to read two files in particular.

One is Henry Waxman’s January 2, 2009, letter to John Walters, then director of the White House Office of Drug Control Policy:

The other is the transcript of Vince McMahon’s December 14, 2007, interview by committee staff:

This series, “WWE Responds to Hearst’s Story on the Abortive Waxman Committee Steroid Investigation,” will continue as developments warrant.

Irv Muchnick


  1. […] About IRVIN MUCHNICK « Brian Lockhart and Hearst Pointed Readers to the Entire Waxman Committee Primary-Source Record (4th … […]

  2. […] Brian Lockhart and Hearst Pointed Readers to the Entire Waxman Committee Primary-Source Record (4th … […]

Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick