Dear University of California President Michael V. Drake: What Do You Say to Our Allegation That Your Senior Counsel Michael R. Goldstein Violated the State Bar Attorney Misconduct Code by Lying to Courts During the Public Records Act Litigation Over the Ted Agu Football Death Cover-Up?

Muchnick Files Bar Association Attorney Misconduct Complaint Against University of California Senior Counsel, Who Lied Repeatedly to Courts in Public Records Act Case Over Withheld Documents in Ted Agu Football Death Cover-Up
November 16, 2022
Full Text of the Attorney Misconduct Complaint Against University of California Senior Counsel Michael R. Goldstein, State Bar No. 129848
November 18, 2022
Muchnick Files Bar Association Attorney Misconduct Complaint Against University of California Senior Counsel, Who Lied Repeatedly to Courts in Public Records Act Case Over Withheld Documents in Ted Agu Football Death Cover-Up
November 16, 2022
Full Text of the Attorney Misconduct Complaint Against University of California Senior Counsel Michael R. Goldstein, State Bar No. 129848
November 18, 2022

ECW Press has announced the publication next year of Without Helmets or Shoulder Pads: The American Way of Death in Youth Football Conditioning. Three chapters of this book by Irvin Muchnick will chronicle, in order, the 2014 death of Ted Agu; UC Berkeley’s cover-up of the circumstances of that death; and the surrounding corruption, including the university’s scorched-earth legal tactics to try to keep the facts of the cover-up from emerging.




Below is our (so far unanswered) message yesterday to Dr. Michael V. Drake, president of the University of California.

The text of the California State Bar attorney misconduct complaint against UC senior counsel Michael R. Goldstein, member No. 129848, is viewable here.


Dear Dr. Drake:

I have filed with the State Bar of California a complaint of attorney misconduct against Michael R. Goldstein, Senior Counsel at the University of California Office of the President. Enclosed is a full copy of the package, which is confirmed to have been delivered to the Bar’s Office of Chief Trial Counsel Intake.

Next year ECW Press will be publishing my book on the “social pandemic” of non-contact deaths at practices in sub-professional levels of football. Three chapters of the book cover my reporting and analysis of the 2014 death of Cal-Berkeley student-athlete Ted Agu: the narrative of the Agu fatality itself; the university’s cover-up of the circumstances of that death; and finally UC’s sharp litigation tactics during my California Public Records Act petition in Alameda County Superior Court. Some of the latter were not only aggressive but also unethical, I write. The aspect that was Mr. Goldstein’s unindicted perjury in sworn statements to the court is the subject of the State Bar complaint.

I invite your comments. I am also sharing this material with members of the Board of Regents, by email.



“In Reversal, Appellate Court Rules UC ‘Prevailing Party’ in Public Records Case – Changing Nothing About Our Daylighting of Massive New Info in Cal’s Ted Agu Football Death Cover-Up,” November 7,

“$125,000 Was a Small Price For Cal-Berkeley’s Already Successful Ted Agu Football Death Cover-Up. Fighting Even That Is Designed to Intimidate Anyone Daring to Use the Public Records Act to Investigate Cover-Ups,” November 8,

“California Court of Appeal Is Setting a Harmful Precedent For Designating the ‘Prevailing Party’ in Public Records Act Cases Resulting in New Documents Exposing Public Agency Malfeasance,” November 9,

“In the Public Records Act Case About the Ted Agu Football Death Cover-Up, the University of California Didn’t Even Stop Short of Outright Lying in Order to Get Its Way at the Court of Appeal,” November 10,

“In Ted Agu Football Conditioning Death Cover-Up Public Records Act Case, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and First Amendment Coalition Tell Appellate Court That University of California Seeks ‘to Chill Members of the Public, Including Journalists,'” March 24,

“Flashback: Three Stories About the University of California’s Ted Agu Cover-Up That Were Specifically Enabled by Our Successful Public Records Act Lawsuit,” March 28,

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick