Senate Candidate Linda McMahon Has No Good Answer to This Question (Part 1 – Introduction)

‘WWE lawyer Jerry McDevitt read this cover to cover and so should you’ …
January 4, 2010
WrestleMania 1991 Early Deaths 1-3 (Dino Bravo, Kerry ‘Texas Tornado’ Von Erich, Davey Boy ‘British Bulldog’ Smith)
January 5, 2010
‘WWE lawyer Jerry McDevitt read this cover to cover and so should you’ …
January 4, 2010
WrestleMania 1991 Early Deaths 1-3 (Dino Bravo, Kerry ‘Texas Tornado’ Von Erich, Davey Boy ‘British Bulldog’ Smith)
January 5, 2010

TODAY – Part 1, Introduction

Tuesday – WrestleMania 1991 Early Deaths 1-3 (Dino Bravo, Kerry “Texas Tornado” Von Erich, Davey Boy “British Bulldog” Smith)

Wednesday – WrestleMania 1991 Early Deaths 4-6 (John “EarthquakeTenta, Michael “Road Warrior Hawk Hegstrand, Ray “Hercules” Fernandez)

Thursday – WrestleMania 1991 Early Deaths 7-10 (Curt “Mr. Perfect” Hennig, Ray “Big Boss Man” Traylor, Brian “Demolition Crush” Adams, Sherri “Sensational Sherri Martel” Russell)

Friday – Facsimile of WWE Talent Contract

Saturday – “Two Words: Public Relations” – Vince McMahon on Why WWE Now Underwrites Drug Rehab for Ex-Wrestlers

Many Connecticut journalists covering the U.S. Senate candidacy of World Wrestling Entertainment’s Linda McMahon follow this blog. I take that as a compliment.

Some of them have told me that the information I’ve been putting out there is too dense. I take that as a challenge.

“We live in a sound-bite culture,” one reader pointed out. “Why don’t you simplify things? If you were a reporter in Connecticut and confronted Linda McMahon, what is the one question you would ask to put her on the spot?”

This series, currently scheduled for six parts (see above), attempts to meet this need.

We start with the question itself:

Ms. McMahon, no fewer than ten performers from your 1991 WrestleMania show alone would go on to die before age 50. Factors seem to include recreational drug abuse; abuse of anabolic steroids, along with painkillers, depression and anxiety medication, and other prescription drugs; and brain damage caused by dangerous industrial stunts, such as slamming chairs off their heads. Why should the voters of Connecticut not be taking into account this disturbing record of occupational health and safety?

Irvin Muchnick

NEXT: WrestleMania 1991 Early Deaths 1-3 (Dino Bravo, Kerry “Texas TornadoVon Erich, Davey Boy “British Bulldog” Smith)


  1. Jay says:

    Hi, This is off topic, but in my opinion I think you spend too much time taking WWE to task for the industry’s problems. I think you also need to take note of TNAwrestling. Do they even have a drug policy? TNA is worthy of being looked at considering they are stepping up efforts to compete against WWE by bringing in Hulk Hogan and going on Minday nights.

    Just think even if WWE does clean up their act will others follow? I have my doubts. If WWE fires someone due to drug issues then TNA will always be there to pick them up and it doesn’t matter why. The only thing that matters to TNA is picking up a name from WWE.

    Jeff Hardy has signed with TNA. Any coincidence Hardy makes this career choice after WWE revealed people with wellness will still have strikes against them after leaving and coming back. I also find it irresponsible for TNA to sign Hardy when his legal case is still not resolved.

    I also noticed segments with chairshots to the head and fan comments glorifying chairshots to the head.

    Just sayin.

  2. There is no arguing Jay’s point that, today, TNA’s occupational health and safety standards are worse than WWE’s. As the long-time industry bellwether, however, the McMahon family bears primary responsibility for the historical slippery slope of those standards. And Dixie Carter, unlike Linda McMahon, is not spending $50 million of wrestling-generated wealth to try to put herself over as senatorial timber.

  3. […] WrestleMania 1991 Early Deaths 1-3 (Dino Bravo, Kerry “Texas Tornado” Von Erich, Davey Boy “British Bulldog” Smith) Published January 5, 2010 Uncategorized Leave a Comment Monday – Part 1, Introduction […]

Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick