A Very Nice Note by Good-Guy Swim Coach Chris DeSantis

What Sarah Ehekircher Says ASCA’s John Leonard Told Her About His Military Career — And What Leonard Said About It in a 2012 Deposition
March 7, 2018
USA Swimming Chief Chuck Wielgus’s Email Response to Hearing of Sarah Ehekircher’s Grooming and Abuse by Coach Scott MacFarland: ‘My Gosh … I Am Copying Our Legal Counsel …’
March 8, 2018
What Sarah Ehekircher Says ASCA’s John Leonard Told Her About His Military Career — And What Leonard Said About It in a 2012 Deposition
March 7, 2018
USA Swimming Chief Chuck Wielgus’s Email Response to Hearing of Sarah Ehekircher’s Grooming and Abuse by Coach Scott MacFarland: ‘My Gosh … I Am Copying Our Legal Counsel …’
March 8, 2018

Chris DeSantis, one of the swimming coaches who gets it, put up the piece linked below prior to interviewing me for his podcast. The forum was freewheeling and fun for both of us; now let’s hope, when broadcast, it’s coherent to listeners.


“Catching Up on Irvin Muchnick”


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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick