What Sarah Ehekircher Says ASCA’s John Leonard Told Her About His Military Career — And What Leonard Said About It in a 2012 Deposition

ASCA Boss John Leonard ‘Categorically Denies’ Sarah Ehekircher’s Sexual Harassment Allegations; Captive Swimming Industry Publication’s Article Also Smears Ehekircher and Concussion Inc.
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A Very Nice Note by Good-Guy Swim Coach Chris DeSantis
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ASCA Boss John Leonard ‘Categorically Denies’ Sarah Ehekircher’s Sexual Harassment Allegations; Captive Swimming Industry Publication’s Article Also Smears Ehekircher and Concussion Inc.
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“Throughout the months when we spent time together, he told strange, dark anecdotes of his exploits in Vietnam. He said he’d been a sniper with over 100 kills. How I came to process this was that it was his way of impressing and intimidating.”

— our article earlier today athttps://concussioninc.net/?p=12666




Q. Did you ever serve in the military?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. In what branch?

A. Army.

Q. And where did you serve?

A. Army Reserve.

Q. Did you ever serve in Vietnam?

A. No, sir.

Q. Were you ever a sniper?

A. No, sir.

John Leonard, February 14, 2012, deposition in Jancy Thompson v. Doe 1, et al., Santa Clara County Superior Court, http://muchnick.net/leonardonmilitary.pdf


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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick