What American Speedskating Abuse Whistleblower Eva Rodansky Wrote About Busted Canadian Olympic Coach Michael Crowe — 12 Years Ago

US Speedskating Bad Actor Michael Crowe Is Shelved by Speed Skating Canada
January 17, 2018
Story of Defrocked U.S. Olympic Speedskating Coach Michael Crowe Blows Up at Speed Skating Canada … A Twitter Feed
January 19, 2018
US Speedskating Bad Actor Michael Crowe Is Shelved by Speed Skating Canada
January 17, 2018
Story of Defrocked U.S. Olympic Speedskating Coach Michael Crowe Blows Up at Speed Skating Canada … A Twitter Feed
January 19, 2018

Yesterday we forwarded the CBC’s important — and potentially huge — story on Speed Skating Canada’s investigation and placing on leave of national team coach Michael Crowe.

As more details emerge, bear in mind that the reasons Crowe got kicked out of the U.S. speedskating program are no mystery. Former skater Eva Rodansky is the key Crowe whistleblower on our side of the border; she wrote a guest column for Concussion Inc. and has been a source for many of our stories. Here is what Rodansky wrote at her own blog on April 9, 2006, athttp://evarodansky.blogspot.com/2006/04/:


“Some athletes have had good experiences working with Mike Crowe. I think he does just fine working as a coach with a small group of male skaters. But the job of Program Director was way over his head. Not only that: In my opinion, no female speedskater should ever be within Crowe’s sphere of influence in any way, be it coaching, team selection, or anything else. I can’t imagine that it would be a good thing, whether you’re the favorite or the unfavorite.”




Guest Columnist Eva Rodansky on Why the USOC Is To Blame For U.S. Speedskating’s Olympic Woes in Sochi

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Olympic Hopeful Turned 50-Year Abuse Survivor – In an Exclusive Interview, Speed Skating’s 1960s Golden Girl, Vickie Swanson, Explains Why She Disappeared

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick