Michael Crowe, Defrocked American Team Speedskating Coach, Now Has the Same Job in Canada

U.S. Government Asserts Blanket Privacy Redactions of Rapist Irish National Swim Team Coach George Gibney’s Immigration Files — FOIA Appeal Is Likely
May 5, 2015
U.S. Speedskating Dissidents Resubmit Proposal to Ban Accused Molester Andy Gabel
May 14, 2015
U.S. Government Asserts Blanket Privacy Redactions of Rapist Irish National Swim Team Coach George Gibney’s Immigration Files — FOIA Appeal Is Likely
May 5, 2015
U.S. Speedskating Dissidents Resubmit Proposal to Ban Accused Molester Andy Gabel
May 14, 2015

by Irvin Muchnick


Last month we told you the full story that former speedskater and current activist Eva Rodansky — a bystander sexual misconduct victim — gave Congressional investigators two years ago. See https://concussioninc.net/?p=10023.

One of the chief villains of the story, Michael Crowe, was ditched as American Olympic head coach after redundant and unrefuted allegations that he favored a skater with whom he was having an affair. This is too-typical stuff in swimming as well as in speedskating and other sports — all under the federal statutory authority of an Olympic program also given no oversight or accountability in the supervision of kids’ extracurricular athletic pursuits from six years old or younger.

Like other busted coaches, and Catholic priests, Crowe simply moved venues. George Gibney, the rapist Irish national swim team coach — as confirmed in a report by one of the country’s most respected judges — moved to the United States in 1995. Concussion Inc. is preparing an appeal to the denial by the Department of Homeland Security for the records that would tell us who sponsored Gibney’s visa and green card.

Mike Crowe is now head coach of the Canadian team. See http://buttesports.com/buttes-crowe-named-head-coach-of-canadian-speed-skating-team/.

Crowe is a native of St. Louis. That makes two speedskating abuse connections to my old hometown. Nikki Ziegelmeyer, who hails from the suburb of Imperial, is one of the multiple alleged molestation victims of the legendary Andy Gabel. See https://concussioninc.net/?p=9738.

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick