Reprint of Sunday Times of London Article: ‘Abuser Coach Gibney Denied U.S. Citizenship’

‘Abuser coach Gibney denied US citizenship’ — Sunday Times of London
November 4, 2017
How George Gibney Lied on His 2010 Application For American Citizenship
November 5, 2017
‘Abuser coach Gibney denied US citizenship’ — Sunday Times of London
November 4, 2017
How George Gibney Lied on His 2010 Application For American Citizenship
November 5, 2017

Below is the full text of the article in London’s Sunday Times. It is reprinted with permission. © Times Newspapers Limited 2017

The story follows Concussion Inc.’s story yesterday, “George Gibney’s 2010 Application For American Citizenship Was Rejected, With No Other Consequences, Federal Judge Said,”

Chronological links to our series, which began January 27, 2015, under the headline “Why Is George Gibney – No. 1 At-Large Pedophile in Global Sports – Living in Florida? And Who Sponsored His Green Card?”:


Abuser coach Gibney denied US citizenship

By Justine McCarthy

November 5 2017

George Gibney, the former Irish national swimming coach who fled to America 22 years ago after eluding trial for allegedly raping and molesting under-age swimmers, was refused US citizenship in 2010.

The revelation was made by Charles R Breyer, a senior federal judge, during a Freedom of Information law case taken by Irvin Muchnick, a San Francisco-based investigative journalist, who is seeking to obtain Gibney’s immigration file from the Department of Homeland Security.

Breyer, who viewed Gibney’s file in camera, said during a hearing of the case that the Dubliner, now living in Florida, “was not granted citizenship or permanent residency” when he applied to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services seven years ago.

“What is his status in the United States?” asked Breyer, who was the judge in last May’s $1.2 bn (€1.03bn) diesel-emissions settlement by Volkswagen Group of America Inc.

“Unless you advise me of the contrary, he’s obviously permitted to remain in the United States, or at least he’s here in the United States.”

“That’s our understanding, your honor, yeah,” said Roy S Gordet, Muchnick’s attorney.

“And what is missing in all of this is how is a person permitted to remain in the United States when, in fact, the circumstances of the Ireland experience or what occurred in Ireland are publicly known,” said the judge.

Breyer also revealed that Gibney was granted a US visa during a visit to America in 1992, the year gardai in Blackrock, Co Dublin began the investigation that culminated in 27 charges against him of indecent assault and carnal knowledge of girls under the age of 15, between 1967 and 1981.

He sought a judicial review in 1993 and, in 1994, the High Court ordered the prosecution be stopped on the grounds that Gibney could not get a fair trial because of the time lapse since the alleged incidents.

A second garda investigation that began on foot of allegations by other swimmers after Gibney left Ireland ground to a halt when it was decided not to apply for his extradition. One of the new complainants who came forward said Gibney raped her during a training camp in Florida in 1991.

In a report posted on his news website Concussion Inc yesterday, Muchnick said it has been “established” that Gibney “concealed from his 2010 citizenship application a 27-count indictment for sex crimes in his native country.”

He said the new information came to light in a court hearing in October 2016 when Breyer ruled “largely” in Muchnick’s favour.

“The government’s appeal of that decision is now in settlement discussions at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals,” Muchnick said.


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