While Olympics Use Up All the Oxygen, Take in Our Live Investigative Threads on George Gibney, Alex Pussieldi, Dick Shoulberg, Cal Football Death Cover-Up

No One in USA Swimming’s Florida Branch Will Confirm or Deny That Abusive Brazilian Coach Alex Pussieldi Is Back in Good Standing
August 8, 2016
Canadian Sports Minister Carla Qualtrough: Go Ask USA Swimming About Why Abusive Brazilian Coach Alex Pussieldi Has Access to Olympic Venues
August 12, 2016
No One in USA Swimming’s Florida Branch Will Confirm or Deny That Abusive Brazilian Coach Alex Pussieldi Is Back in Good Standing
August 8, 2016
Canadian Sports Minister Carla Qualtrough: Go Ask USA Swimming About Why Abusive Brazilian Coach Alex Pussieldi Has Access to Olympic Venues
August 12, 2016

– Rapist former Irish Olympic head swimming coach George Gibney, the most wanted at-large sex criminal in global sports, has been hiding in plain sight, with an American visa possibly enabled by the U.S. swimming leadership, for more than 20 years. Federal Judge Charles Breyer rejected the government’s motion for summary judgment in my Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security for access to Gibney’s immigration files., and has undertaken in camerareview of a finite number of remaining disputed documents.

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Ireland’s ‘Broadsheet’ Connects George Gibney and Irish Swimming Abuse Scandals to One of the Country’s Most Sensational Murder Cold Cases

Published June 16th, 2016
complete chronological links:https://concussioninc.net/?p=10942
– Brazilian-American swimming coach Alex Pussieldi, now part of the media scrum covering the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, is a covered-up human trafficker and abuser who was under suspension at USA Swimming’s Florida Gold Coast Swimming local but may have been reinstated.
Latest related post:

No One in USA Swimming’s Florida Branch Will Confirm or Deny That Abusive Brazilian Coach Alex Pussieldi Is Back in Good Standing

Published August 8th, 2016
complete chronological links:https://concussioninc.net/?p=8652
– Dick Shoulberg, the Joe Paterno — or worse — of Pennsylvania swimming, is the focus of a lawsuit alleging athlete-on-athlete abuse, and the orchestration, enabling, and cover-up of same, at the Germantown Academy outside Philadelphia.
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USA Swimming Is Lying About a Dick Shoulberg Investigation. And It Dragged Its Feet in Announcing Joe Bernal’s Lifetime Ban. What Do They Have in Common?

Published May 4th, 2016
complete chronological links:https://concussioninc.net/?p=10736
– Concussion Inc.’s newest ebook,THE TED AGU PAPERS: A Black Life That Mattered — And the Secret History of a Covered-Up Death in University of California Football, will be published August 22.
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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick