Did USOC Burn Already Burn Through $5.2 Million For Its New Nonexistent Sex Police?

George Gibney, Hiding in Plain Sight in Florida, Ducks Confrontation With Child Watch Organization
August 17, 2015
Flashback — Denver Post: “Abuse in Youth Sports an Issue For Congress”
August 20, 2015
George Gibney, Hiding in Plain Sight in Florida, Ducks Confrontation With Child Watch Organization
August 17, 2015
Flashback — Denver Post: “Abuse in Youth Sports an Issue For Congress”
August 20, 2015

by Irvin Muchnick



On July 31 we reported that the United States Olympic Committee’s National Center for Safe Sport was, to put it politely, a bit slow out of the starting gate.

In February, USOC had allocated $5.2 million for the agency’s “start-up” phase, through June. But there isn’t a thing to show yet for the five-mil plus — not even a spiffy website and a “marketing plan,” which always seem to be the first orders of business for any new entity in Child Abuse Inc. The seven wise men and women who comprise the center’s “advisory council” either have been struck dumb or “advised” to hold their tongues.

Mark Jones, USOC senior director of communications, told me that all concerned were “working diligently to raise the funds … necessary to launch the pilot.”

That raises the issue of what happened to the originally allocated five million, two hundred thousand? Is it gone, poof?

How much has USOC spent so far — whether less than, equal to, or greater than $5.2 million — and what do they have to show for it? Do they require more than $5 million in order to requisition a cubicle in USOC headquarters in Colorado Springs and hire an executive director and skeleton staff? Or is Malia Arrington, USOC’s “director of ethics and safe sport,” already the ex officio chief of the National Center for Safe Sport?

Jones has not responded to any of these reasonable corollary questions.

Next at Concussion Inc.: reprint of my May 26 Denver Post op-ed piece, “Abuse in youth sports an issue for Congress.”

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Concussion Inc. - Author Irvin Muchnick